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Why isn't he getting up. I bite my lip and grab my purse. Getting out my air pods. I turned my head "So you got this class for first to." I ask as i hock up my music. "Yea my best friend should be coming. Which how you where staring at us you already know him." He said looking on his phone. I chock on my spit
   "mmm He is in here too." I ask look at him. "Yea didn't expect that huh." Arise said smirking. I just shake my head and tapped on my music to play. My phone starts to play time machine by Muni Long.

The bell rings and every body was all already in the class even Aries Best friend . When turns out to be the person he was kissing.

       "Alright Y'all so today  since it's the first day you guys will do a  group project. Find three people and you guys will write about each other things you find interesting,things you dislike,things you find can be a good and bad trait and anything else.

   Since the project has to be 8 pages  you will have the rest of this mouth to finish." She said  I look up the two boy are looking at me. "What." I said. "Your in our group." Aries demanded I roll up my eyes "Whatever." I said grabbing paper from my bag. 

      I wright my name and the date heading my paper how I like. I then start to wright my entry.

Za'Layla Craig                              1st
8/15/21.                                   Mrs.Jordan
We you first meet someone what do you look at or for. Do you look at there looks. There clothes or how they talk to you. To day I have meet Aries

As I'm writing I relies I don't know Aries full name or the other dude mame. "What are you guys full name." I say looking up.  "Aries Johnson." "Paris King." I nod and start wright again.

      "What your name?"  Paris asked. " Za'Layla Craig." I said smiling at him.  "Your name is as pretty as your smile." He said lean on the desk. "Now why you lying I have a gap my teeth ugly asf." I said  getting my stuff ready to go. "Whats your schedule." I  give him my schedule.

   "Bet we got bout like three classes." Paris said giving it back to me. "Cool so next class to right?" I ask "Yea." Aries said as he handed me my schedule after he looked at it. The bell rings I get up the boy behind me. I was walking down the stairs when I made mistake an bumped to some one. " Sorry." I said helping the person up.

"It's ok I was going the wrong way about to turn so my bad." The girl said she was a lil taller to meaning we where both short cause me being 5'3 she must has been 5'5. Well I guess that's not really short. "It's ok what class are you heading to." I ask giving her a small smile. "Choir." She said picking up her self. We walk to the basement. "Downstairs with me." I ask when she opens the door.
     "Oh I'm in 11th." She said "Me too what's your name?" I ask her. "Jakaria Zydeco." Jakaria said smiling at me. "So are you African." I ask her. "I am mixed with a lot of things most people don't think so cause I'm brown skinned but I am Muslim,Asian,Haitian,African and African American .(She is  the media)

"Well I believe you." I said stopping at the door she stopped at. "Well here is my number and just let me.." She started to talk while handing me a picae of paper before getting cut off by Paris. "Story to interrupt but we need to get to class bellà." Paris said

Fuckk I felt his breath on my neck. I close my eyes just feeling his warmth behind me. I felt a hand wrap around my waist. "Oh ok bye Za'Layla. Nice to meet you." She said walking into the classroom. "Come on amor" he said whispering in my ear. I just nod and get out of his hold. I look up at Aries to see he is smiling at me.

I keep my head up acting like Paris touching me didn't make butterflies in my stomach. I walk to the door that has Theater written is cursive. I open the door it was more people in this class then I thought.

    I mean it's writing. Which I love to do but not a lot of people do it.  It's circle tables so I seat down at one. "Ariesss." I hear a girly voice speak out. "Can I seat with you baby." She asked rubbing on him. Paris looks  unbothered.

        But me I starting to not be able to hide my stank face. She sat on his lap kissing him. "Ashley We aren't dating and  get up." He says. She still wraps her  arms around his neck. Like girl get off. "You don't have any one else to date everyone who asks you out you say no. You and Paris unless you both have secret girlfriends. Plus Unlike other girls I take what I want." She said  thinking she sounded sexy. Yea they got a secret alright. I giggled out at the thought I had.

"What you laughing at bitch." She said smirking. "Watch your mouth bitch and I'm—" I started to say but then Paris cut me off.

"Get the fuck off of him and don't speak to her. Plus she was laughing at your goofy as because of how he already said he don't want you. Damn bruh y'all girls trusty asf." He said pulling her off of Aries and pulling my chair and Aries chair close to him. Putting his arm round my waist. "Bye." I said smirking as the bitch was mad mad.

I smiled more as she walked out the classroom. I turned to look at Paris and Aries. Just to see that his hands was in Aries pants. I bite my lip as I look at his hand pump Aries. "Let any bitch on you again or let anyone talk to our princess like that. I will fuck you so hard they will think someone beat your ass." He whispered to Aries but I don't think he was trying to hid it from me.

He looked at me and smiled. "Sorry about her." He said to me taking his hand out of Aries pants and puts it on his thigh as he dose mine. I was going to move it but I was to comfortable. "I'm sorry Za'Layla." Aries said looking disappointed in his self. "It's ok." I smiled at him as class went on.

For the rest of the day. I went to my classes. Now I'm in my last class which is color guard. I already picked out my flag that I wanted. If I do good I can keep the class if I do bad I have to change my last period. I'm stretching right now. I heard we have to do a stance,pom pom routine, rifle routine, and flag routine. Thankfully this is a black school so it's not corny no offense.

"Alright Alright so before we start new girls you will be meeting your drum majors and team leaders and the Dance line."

A group walked in and..

The Co-captain for the Dance line is that bitch Ashley. Turns out her ass is mixed with bitch and a good body a perfect mean bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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