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DISCLAIMER:  This chapter is the implied nsfw from night three.  I've never written anything like this before so bear with me. Like, bear with me.  It's vanilla - lots of praise.  Reader and Michael take turns giving and receiving :)

I know putting the '18+' disclaimer isn't gonna stop anyone but just know what you're getting yourself into lol. 


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You couldn't stand the fact that Michael's bare body wasn't touching yours, wasn't rubbing against your skin.  His purple shirt had to go.

Fumbling, you broke away from the kiss to undo the buttons. Michael held no qualms, reaching down to help you remove the thin layer between you. Once unbuttoned he slipped it out from his pants and slid it off, throwing it haphazardly across the room. Your shirt was next, carefully removed by Michael, revealing your bra.

No matter how many times you saw Michael's body, it still amazed you. He was no Arnold Schwarzenegger, but his muscles were fairly toned and a faint trace of his v-line was available for your eyes only. His body was so perfect - and you were going to light it afire.

Michael pulled you in for another kiss, his warm fingers sending butterflies through your stomach as they held you close to him. Your breath caught as he bit down gently on your lip.

"I want to make you feel good," you whispered into his lips.  He was magnetic, polarizing your every thought.

"You always make me feel great," Michael assured, pulling away to gaze into your eyes.  "You don't have to do anything special."

"Psh.  I want to."

Michael's cheeks lit up as he shifted away slightly, allowing you access to his belt.  Leather clinked against metal as you slid it out, allowing you to shimmy off his jeans and reveal his cock, covered now only by the fabric of his underwear.

You palmed his member, feeling it grow harder by your touch alone, before finally sliding off the final layer.  Now available to you, you spit into your palm and wrapped your hand around his cock, slowly moving up and down.

The feeling of it hardening in your hand was intoxicating, knowing you were making your boyfriend feel incredible just by your touch. Michael bit his lip, proving this point even further.

"You look so handsome when I get my hands all over you," you whispered, finding a steady rhythm that already had his cock twitching in your hand. Your eyes held contact with his, the sincerity in your voice overwhelming - you knew how much he liked to hear your words.

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