Chapter 1

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Heroes don't always come from high places, some come from the worst places. But it doesn't matter where you come from, it matters who you are. This is the story of one man who had a terrible life so far but will always be a good man. And he will soon be a part of The Age of Heroes!

Earth, 2019. South Side Chicago, Illinois.

Duncan Canis was on hour six of his eight-hour shift. It was 9:00 pm.

Duncan had dark skin, black hair, and blue eyes.

A customer came up to the counter.

"Menthol 100s." Said the customer.

Duncan opened up the cigarette safe and got the guy's cigarettes.

"24.99" Said Duncan.

The man paid for the cigarettes and left. It was sad. When most people around here get money they just waste it on nicotine or drugs.

Another customer came up with a little boy. The boy and his father looked like they hadn't eaten much. The man gave Duncan a pack of lunch meat. Duncan scanned it.

"9.99" Said Duncan. The man looked saddened. In his hand was a five-dollar bill.

"Sorry." Said the man to Duncan. "Come on Russell." He said to his son.

"Wait!" Said Duncan as he pulled out a ten from his pocket.

Duncan paid for the lunch meat and gave it to the man.

"Thank you!" Said the man gratefully.

After Duncan's shift was over at 11:00 pm, he locked the store up as he was an assistant manager. Duncan made his way to his apartment through the streets of South Side Chicago.

Duncan had lived in South Side all his life. He never knew his parents and was just in and out of the foster system until he turned 18 earlier that year. Now he was just trying to make a living on minimum wage.

Duncan arrived at his crappy apartment and unlocked the door. His roommate Jay was already back from his job.

"Yo, Duncan! Want some peanut butter toast?" Asked Jay.

"Sure." Said Duncan.

Duncan had met Jay back when they were in the same foster family back in 2012. They've been friends ever since.

Jay had light skin, light brown hair, and beard.

"So counting time." Said Jay. "I was held at gunpoint three times today. How about you?"

They played this quote-on-quote game every night after their shifts ended. As it was more than likely at least one of them would be held at gunpoint that day. The one with the least amount won.

"Five. And one at knifepoint." Said Duncan.

"Jesus dude! You need to get a job in a better part of town." Said Jay.

"Oh like your part with all the drug addicts?" Asked Duncan sarcastically.

"Point taken." Jay said, laughing a little.

They sat in silence for a bit. Then Jay spoke up.

"You know I have a feeling our lives are gonna change soon. I just feel it." Jay said.

"You sure about that?" Asked Duncan.

"Yeah! I'm gonna win the lottery and we will go on the cruise!" Said Jay.

Duncan and Jay laughed. "What do you want, Duncan?"

Duncan thought for a moment. "I want to make the world a better place for everyone. Not just us, everyone." Duncan said.

"Cheers to that." Said Jay as he raised his peanut butter toast.

Duncan raised his and they bumped them together. Just then the lightbulb in the room gave out.

"Damn it." Jay said. "I'll quickly go to the store and get another one."

"No, I got this." Said Duncan. "I think there's a store on my way to work that's still open."

"Alright. Be careful." Said Jay.

Duncan left and started walking to the store. He was about halfway there when he heard a scream from an alley ahead of him. He came up to it and peeked around the corner. He saw two guys pulling around a woman. Duncan knew what would happen to her if no one did anything to save her.

"HEY! Leave her alone!" Duncan yelled.

The two guys stopped and turned to look at Duncan.

"Best leave now kid. Before you get hurt." Guy one said.

"I said. Leave her alone." Duncan said more firmly.

"Have it your way." Said guy one.

The first guy ran at Duncan and punched him right in the gut. Duncan winced and punched the first guy in the face. The second guy kicked Duncan in the leg. The girl they were pulling around ran out of the alley the other way. Duncan kept fighting back as best he could. He knew as long as these two were beating on him that girl was safe.


Out on the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy, a sword was flying past planet after planet. The sword has a round guard with a glowing blue stone embedded into it. The sword suddenly stopped and turned and started flying again at super speed. It was headed for Earth.

Duncan's nose and lip were bleeding and his chest hurt pretty bad. The two guys just kept kicking him even though he was down. Was this how he was gonna die?

Just then a blue light flew down and went through the chest of one of the guys beating Duncan up. The other guy backed up as the first guy fell down with a hole through his chest. The sword hovered over his body for a moment and then flew right into Duncan's hand.

Duncan looked at the sword in his hand and was stunned. Just then the stone in the sword lit up and metal armor formed around Duncan. Shiny silver armor with pointed shoulder pads and a horn on the forehead of the helmet. Duncan was looking through a long slit on the helmet.

The guy who was beating him up pulled out a gun and shot at Duncan. The bullets just bounced off Duncan's armor. Duncan focused for a second and pointed the sword at the guy's neck.

"If I ever find you doing what you were going to do to that girl you'll end up like your friend there. Am I clear?" Said Duncan.

The guy just nodded quickly.

"Run." Said Duncan.

The guy ran away as fast as he could. Duncan heard his voice when he said those things. The helmet made his voice deeper. The armor turned to blue light and went back in the sword. Duncan looked at the mysterious sword in his hand.

"What are you?" Duncan asked.

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