Chapter 2

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Lori fidgeted while she waited for the service to end. She wanted to run and hide, but she couldn't. Those text messages were burned into her mind. What did they know and what did they mean pay for what you post? She hadn't posted anything she could think of that would make anyone mad. And why do it at Miranda's service? Was someone trying to be perverse? It was so uncalled for. Today was hard enough for her without some jerk face causing trouble.

Tess kept looking to the right and Lori followed her gaze to see the police detective who was in charge of Miranda's case. They were staring at them. She frowned. Why were they staring at her and Tess? The girls had both been questioned and cleared in Miranda's disappearance, but the two them were staring at her and Tess like they thought they'd done something wrong.

She sighed. Why couldn't people just let them move on and heal? Didn't they know how hard all this was for her and Tess? Miranda had been their best friend since grade school. Not having her here with them was like having a piece of herself missing. She missed Randa every single day and hoped one day it would get easier. She and Miranda hadn't been as close as Miranda and Tess, but they'd been close enough. Like sisters. There was a big hole in her heart that only Miranda could fill.

Now some idiot was messaging these cryptic little comments. Some people didn't know when to call a joke bad form. Today was not the day for this. Today was about Miranda. She'd almost bailed on Tess, but she couldn't. Well, she couldn't bail on Miranda really. She'd bailed on her so many times in the past. Today was important and she knew if the roles were reversed, Miranda would be here for her. So she came.

She turned away from the podium when Miranda's parents got up to speak. Their voice was full of pain and determination. It hurt Lori to listen to. She loved them almost as much as she did her own parents. They'd come to her and Lori's defense when the police had started questioning them. They'd been the last ones to see Miranda. Of course the police had questioned them.

Tess stood up and Lori looked up to see everyone standing up and lighting their candles. She held up her own and the person beside her lit it from their own. Tess tipped her candle to Lori's and they both held it up. Tess stared at the flames and Lori stared up at the sky. The light of the candles reminded her so much of the light inside of Miranda. It hurt to look at because of the memories.

Tess was the first over to hug Miranda's parents and Lori followed. They hugged the girls and thanked them for their kind words and heartfelt plea to whomever knew anything about Miranda's disappearance. Then Tess dragged Lori to her car. As soon as they closed the doors Tess exploded.

"Does someone know?"

"How could they, Tess?" Lori asked. "No one knows what happened."

"Then what does those text messages mean?" Tess demanded, her voice a little panicked. "I know what you did and pay for what you post."

"It's just some idiot out there with a sick sense of humor. No one knows Tessi."

"Did you see the police?" Tess asked, twisting her fingers together. "They were staring at us. Maybe they sent it."

"No," Lori shook her head. "They didn't send it. That's called harassment and it's illegal. They didn't send it. It's just some random person who thinks it's funny to send us something like that today. Chill, Tessi. If you keep acting like this, they police will think we have something to hide. You have to relax."

Tess nodded. "I guess you're right. There's no way anyone could know anything. We didn't tell a soul what happened that night. Only me, you and Miranda know and she's not telling."

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