chapter two

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days pass as the idea ferments in your head. but as the whirlwind of preparations being made continues to grow larger, it gets more and more difficult to hide your displeasure.

one night, you are left to your own devices completely, not needed anywhere and not expecting anyone on your doorstep. it is the first time you have let yourself become completely alone with your thoughts since the shogun regime's presentation.

a split second idea turns into a walk. a walk turns into grabbing your bag on the way out, containing everything you couldn't bear to part with. in the deepest part of your mind, your intentions are clear. but, the nerves that occupy your heart are keen on continuing the ruse.

quick steps bring you to the main street of inazuma city. shops and people alike bustle in the streets around you, perfectly masking your appearance — until suddenly, a light hand rests on your shoulder.

you turn to meet the apprehensive eyes of a semi-familiar guard as he retracts his hand quickly. a nervous laugh escapes him.

"my apologies ma'am, you were not responding to your name." his bows his head slightly, and your brows furrow. "general, ms. sara is requesting your attention."

your eyes widen a fraction. "now?"

he nods, gaze politely turned from the bag over your shoulder. "yes. she is waiting at a spot nearby uyuu restaurant."

lips thinning, you thank him and take off in the opposite direction. steps now heavy with a different purpose, you see kujou sara almost immediately after stepping within the vicinity.

her work clothes have been abandoned in favour of a more casual getup, comprised of solid colour clothing accessorised only by the red tengu mask on her head. something in your chest curls as your body moves forward robotically. she must not be expecting you on official business, or else she would still be in formal attire — but a kujou sara wanting to meet off-duty is much more frightening than the normal alternative.

you push the bag over your shoulder to hide behind your back as you sit across from her.

"sara," you greet with a polite smile. "to what do i owe the pleasure?"

she mirrors the smile, expression relieved. kujou sara is truly a different person when the weight of the shogun's approval is lifted from her shoulders.

"i apologise for calling you out so suddenly. I assume you were in the area?"

you nod, subconsciously tucking your bag further behind you. she pays no mind to it.

"yes, i was out attempting to run errands." you lie. "though, please do not worry, this meeting is of no inconvenience."

"i'm glad." she says this, but the words seem oddly ornamental. then, as if on cue, she casts a sidelong glance before leaning forward.

"i need your assistance with something of utmost importance, are you able to spare a few longer minutes?"

curiously flickers in your thoughts, as if mimicking the fast birth of a flame. you nod mindlessly.

kujou sara takes in a breath before continuing again; "it's about the rebels."

you bite back a frown. it seems they will never let down on their duty to be a reminder of your mistakes.

"go on."

truthfully, it is hard to focus on your partner's words. she is concise and thorough in her explanations, detailing each problem and each solution she has deemed necessary. but in your head, all you can focus on is the fact that the sangonomiyan rebels are beginning to win. they are taking back parts of inazuma one at a time, slowly but surely.

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