"I don't need your help, Miss Ivanov."
"Oh, but you do, Mr. Shelby. You do want to see your son again, right?"
A story of a broken woman in power who is willing to help a broken man with nothing left get his son back. Just that, right?
February 2022...
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"Don't look so tense, everything will be fine." Marjorie spoke, cigarette almost burned down. "I'm not tense, I'm alright." Jack barked back. She only chuckled and threw her done cigarette out of the window. "It's just." he paused to find the right words. "You always act without thinking." he said, eyes finding hers. The brunette nodded with a smirk on her face. "This is one of those moments." he took a breath. "Us goingt to England because you want to get your hands on the peaky blinders is one of those not thinking about it beforehand moments."
Marjorie laughed, her eyes creasing. "Uh, Jack. You're more like my mother than my real one."
"You're doing what?" her mothers angry eyes found hers. "I'm going to Birmingham." she stated, a cigarette in her hand. "Your father died two weeks ago, the business isn't sorted-"There's no business to sort." Marjorie interrupted her mother. "The business isn't going to be sorted." She accentuated the word 'sorted' to mock her mother.
"The fucking business, how you like to call the mafia organization our father used to run, belongs to me. I'm the fucking boss." she spit. Her mother shook her head. "Theo-"Theo is never and wouldnever have been the boss because I'm four years older than him." she paused to take a step towards her mother, face livid with anger. "I'm the first born." she almost yelled. "Father said it himself, if you like it or not."
Theo stood there, head low. He didn't like when his sister and mother fought like they were going to kill each other at any moment.
"This is it." the driver stopped. "Take us further." Jack insisted. The driver shook his head, refusing to drive further the streets he knew. "That's as far as i'll go." Marjorie nodded and slapped some cash in his palm. "Fine"
The man got their luggage out of his trunk and took off. Jack and Marjorie looked at each other, his face grazed with displeasure. "The Peaky Blinders rule over this shit hole? Not too hard, i suppose"
Marjorie sighed and made her way down the street, her bag in her hand and a cigarette in the other. Jack murmured curse words as his new black boots were dirtied by the muddy road. "You know where i'll get a good drink?" She asked a man sat down on the side of the road.
He only pointed down the road at the building labeled The Garrison Pub. She continued walking. A few boys pushed the door open, their presence filled with laughter. The black boy among them halted and held the door open for her. "Miss." He spoke, his head moving in a nod.
She gave him a small smile and took the door. "Thank you." Marjorie said, the boys were on their way.
Her and Jack got inside, the pub was busy. A lot of men laughed, argued and played cards. The atmosphere was lively, comfortable even. Marjorie sat herself down at the bar as she sat her bag next to her.
"What can i get you, miss?" The bartender spoke, hands ready to fill a glass for her. "Whiskey." She answered "Irish or Scotch?" He countered and she answered again "Irish" "And what can i get for you?" Jack cleared his throat. "I'll take the same." The man poured them both a glass and before he could leave to tend to other customers she spoke up again.
"Any idea how i can reach Thomas Shelby?" The bartender turned around with wide eyes, hands not moving. "I'm not sure what business you have with him or the blinders but-"I'm sure he'd want to hear me out." She took a sip from her glass. "It's about his missing son after all" the bartender was quick to make his way to the telephone.
"I'll wait over there." She gave him a nod as her and Jack settled on a desk in the back of the pub.
⌞ •°•☽ ☾•°• ⌟
"You're mad" Jack complained as he sipped his whiskey. Marjorie lit herself another cigarette with a small smile on her lips. "I'm simply playing with fire."
The doors to the pub being almost kicked out of its hinges made Marjorie give Jack a satisfied look. "Everyone bloody out!" A deep voice made its way through the building "Let's see if i get burned."
Three angry men made their way over to the woman. Jack stood to stand behind Marjorie, a protective hand on her shoulder. "Please sit, Mr. Shelby" she started. "This is no matter to joke about." He crumbled. "I have more important th-"More important than your son?" She tried to spike his interest. She spiked his whole fucking temper though.
"What in the name of god do you know about my son?" Thomas sat down as he slammed his palm on the already wobbly table. Her whiskey spilled a bit, she had to huff.
"There's no need to yell at me." She paused to take a drag from her cigarette. "As it has come to my attention, your son was kidnapped." Thomas nodded and rubbed his eyes. The poor man hadn't slept in quite some time now, how could he when his child was missing.
"In what way does that concern you?" The oldest of the three spat. "Who are you anyway?" The youngest of the three, she guessed, spoke.
She had to chuckle in response. "My bad." She took a sip from her glass. "I'm Marjorie Ivanov and the handsome gentleman behind me is Jack Balakin" she paused, the realization running over his brothers faces. "I am the head of the Ivanov organization, but don't let that scare you." She paused to chuckle.
"The fucking Russian Mafia?" His younger brother cursed. "What've we done?" His older brother whispered more to himself than anything else.
"Nothing, Mr. Shelby" she smiled a bit.
"It just seems we have the same enemy, Thomas." His eyes found hers, those tired eyes pleaded. He wanted his son back more than anything else on this planet. "The motherfucking Changrettas have your son and i'm more than willed to help you get him back"
His eyebrows furrowed. "Why?" It came out more like a whisper. "Cause they took someone dear to me." She sighed.
"Revenge seems like a sweet way to start my career as a mafia boss, right?"
hi there! thank u for reading this, i hope ya'll like it.