Chapter 13 - Shades of Red 🔞

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After Jimin drove out of the alley way and began speeding up to the mansion, he kept stealing glances towards the passenger seat

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After Jimin drove out of the alley way and began speeding up to the mansion, he kept stealing glances towards the passenger seat. His alarms had gone off the moment Mina had yelled in pain, after putting herself in front Amelia, and now his instincts were kicking in, telling him he needed to save her.

Mina was awfully pale, sweat dripping from her temples and into her neck. She was frowning deeply, wincing sharply once in a while as the pain in her shoulder would sometimes take over. Jimin placed the back of his hand on her cheek, cringing at the sudden fever.

“You’re hot…” He mumbled, frowning and trying not to sound so scared.
Mina opened her blue eyes, that were rimmed red, and drew on a weak smile.

“Thank you… Wasn’t exactly- ugh! Wasn’t exactly what I hoped our first date to be like.” She groaned out, voice raspy.

Jimin flushed then, not expecting her to flirt even now. He thanked all the gods when he saw the mansion appear in his line of sight, speeding up even more. When he reached the entrance to the underground garage, Jimin punched in the code and then desperately waited for the thing to open. Never in his life had the garage door taken so long to open. As soon as he realized the Jeep could pass through, he hit the accelerator and drove inside, barely parking the vehicle at all and only turning it off.

He hurriedly went around the Jeep and opened the door to carefully begin picking up Mina’s body off of the seat. Mina weakly placed her arms around his neck and then Jimin carried her up the stairs and into the foyer of the mansion, beelining straight to the second floor.

Mina let out a shaky breath, chuckling softly.

“My bed or yours?” She rasped out, head supported on his shoulder.

“My bed.” Jimin replied, making her grin cheekily again, although she could barely keep her eyes open.

Jimin walked inside the room, easing his speed when he reached the bed to place her there, softly easing her body onto the pillowy covers.

That was when he started to freak out.

“Uh… what do I do?” He asked, growing even more alarmed at the large purple bruise that had spread all the way to her neck, now.

“The poison…” Mina breathed out, whining when another throb washed through her shoulder.

Not knowing what to do and with Mina barely able to speak, Jimin ended up reaching for his phone and calling the first number that appeared in his last calls.

“Don’t think it’s the best time, Chim!” Namjoon said, his voice a tad bit too loud and loud voices in the back.

“Whatever, pass me to Amelia, it’s urgent.” Jimin said, his free hand coming in contact with Mina's hair to inch it away from the wound.

He heard Namjoon shout and then a couple curses and then Amelia’s voice was heard.

“Jimin? It’s Amelia, what’s wrong?” She said, her voice also raising.

“I’m a little lost, here. The pain keeps getting worse!” He replied back.

“You have to suck out the poison from the wound and then remove the bullet.” Emily shouted into his ear, the sound of a gunshot interrupting.

“Shouldn’t I go to a hospital for that- “

“No hospitals!”

“No hospitals!”

Amelia, Emily and Jin shouted, being echoed by a panicked groan from Mina on the bed.

“Alright, point taken! Is there anything I can give her for the pain to stop?” He questioned, frowning when there were more gunshots being heard.

“It’ll ease when the bullet’s out- Oh, shit!” Amelia’s curse was followed by the screeching of tires and a whole bunch of more juicy curses from the rest of the guys. He heard Yoongi grumble something and then he heard Amelia shouting again “Water!”


“Water purifies, it should help with the pain. I have to go, bye!”

The call ended abruptly, leaving Jimin dumb struck, looking at his own phone in worry over what might be going on on their end.

“Were… were those gunshots?” Mina panted, the discomfort clear in her face.

“I think so… Alright, I’m taking you to the bathroom.” Jimin said, moving to carry her again.

“Wherever gets you off, love.” She breathed out, grunting when Jimin lifted her off the bed.

“Should you be making jokes now? This is serious!” Jimin said, flustered and a little dumbfounded to hear such things coming from her.

“Oh, I’m serious!” Jimin looked down at her, to see her blue eyes flirty and playful, a weak smile dancing on her mouth.

He shook his head, entering the bathroom and settling her on the counter, to take a better look at the wound on her shoulder blade. Jimin moved her fiery curls out of the way and cringed when he saw how purple the wound was. By now, her blood had soaked the black silky top she had been wearing, having it stick to her milky skin.

“Wait here a second, I’ll go get the first aid kit.”

“Does Jin have alcohol in the house?” Mina suddenly asked, back starting to lean on the tiled wall behind her.


“Bring me a bottle.”

“What for?”

She dragged a smile “Thought we could have some fun.”

Jimin cursed himself when he felt himself flush again. He simply nodded and walked fast to the bathroom downstairs where the first aid kit was kept and then passed over the living room to grab at the first bottle of whiskey he could find.

When he reached his bathroom again, Jimin nearly had a heart attack when he saw Mina now kneeling on the floor, one hand grabbing on to the sink counter while the other was on the floor supporting her own weight. Kneeling beside her, Jimin handed her the bottle and started to take things out from the box he’d brought.

“Huh… Scotch, eh? Jin treats himself nicely, doesn’t he?” Mina mumbled, opening the bottle and weakly bringing it to her mouth.

“It’s Yoongi’s, actually. Jin-hyung doesn’t like whiskey.” Jimin casually said, soaking a cloth in water and then reaching for the scalpel and tweezers “Why did you need that, anyway?”

Mina finished swallowing some of the drink, wincing.

“What you’re about to do hurts. This helps.” She replied, voice now barely above a whisper. Jimin wondered if it was because the bruise had already reached her neck.

“One thing, though. Will the poison affect me if I swallow it?”

Mina shook her head “It’s only harmful to Witches.”

“Good… This is probably gonna hurt.” Jimin said, before lowering his mouth to her bruised shoulder and sinking his fangs there.

Mina yelped momentarily and then shuddered, releasing a breath. The taste that hit his tongue right off the bat wasn’t exactly pleasant. It was a bit sour, with hints of bitterness in it. He continued to suck the poison out of her system, swallowing occasionally, even though the taste wasn’t particularly nice. Under him, Mina began to relax onto the floor, her pants not as weak and becoming steadier.

He placed one hand on her waist and the other on her free shoulder. When the blood on his mouth started to become sweeter, that’s when Jimin realized the poison was mostly gone. The taste shifted entirely, then, and a more sensual moan came from Mina’s throat, her head coming to rest against him. The sound filled his ears instantly, going straight to his crotch and making a reaction.

The flavor exploded in his taste buds like a wine filled with spices in it. It was like nothing he’d ever tasted. Jimin pulled apart slowly, his tongue dragging over the bite to heal it faster and lips kissing the irritated flesh there. He was panting now, still grabbing on to her. A part of him was saying that he should not be grabbing onto the girl like this. They barely knew each other and this was most likely rude to be doing.

But then he wanted to just stay like this and kiss her skin greedily again.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Jimin forced himself to make some distance and reached for the scalpel and tweezers. The last time he’d done something like removing a bullet had been a long time ago. And it had been on Yoongi, not a girl.

“I’m sorry if this hurts…” He said, his voice a little raspy.

“First time always does- Ah!”

Jimin cut the skin only enough so that he could reach inside and pull out the bullet. The blood that poured out made it nearly impossible for him to see where the small object was. He managed to ease the bleeding again with the wet washcloth, spotting the bullet lodged in her flesh. Thankfully, the object hadn’t reached the bone, which made it easier to pull it out and heal.

As soon as the bullet was out, Jimin placed the wet washcloth on the wound again, cleaning the blood as much as he could.

“Mina? The wound looks pretty bad, are you sure you don’t wanna go to a hospital?”


Jimin frowned at the panic rising up to her voice again, her hand coming to grab at his wrist and squeezing. What in the world? Was she that scared of hospitals?

“Well, I don’t know how to suture you up, I’m sorry. I could… uhm. I could give you my blood?” He hesitantly said, changing his position on the ground so he could look at her better. When Mina went wide eyed and didn’t say anything at first, Jimin wanted to bury himself in a hole “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

As he was about to get up, one of Mina’s beautiful elegant hands came in contact with his arm. She was frowning, looking up at him strangely.

“You’d do that? Give me your blood?” She asked, voice small.

Jimin didn’t even need to think when he said yes with determination. If this was how Jungkook felt when it came to protecting Amelia, Jimin couldn’t judge him. This was different from anything he’d ever felt.

“Why would you do that?”

“Because you’re bleeding and I don’t like seeing you hurt. Now, please, will you let me help?” He insisted, reaching for the scalp already.

Mina nodded, in a daze, as she watched Jimin reach for the scalpel he had used to remove the bullet from her wound and then bring it to his wrist, where he carefully cut the skin there. The cut would start to heal in no time, his genetics kicking in as the flesh and skin regenerated quickly to what once was.
Jimin brought his wrist up to her lips, shuddering when he felt the warmth of her mouth surrounding the cut. He felt her soft, hot tongue coming in contact with his skin. The erection he had been trying to suppress back when she moaned the first time became obvious now. And Mina didn’t seem to be bothered by it… at all. Her left hand, the one that wasn’t holding his wrist up to her mouth, lowered to his knee and slid softly up his thigh. A rush of heat overwhelmed his stomach when her blue eyes looked up to him.

When Mina saw his hooded eyes, going darker by the second, a slow grin made its way to her lips. She’d noticed the bulge in the front of his jeans and now she couldn’t help but wonder why he had been so shy around her at first.
Jimin’s plump lips parted, his chest rising and falling as he panted deeply. Mina placed her stare on his mouth, wondering how they would feel on her own. The hotness of his mouth on her shoulder was still there, lingering. It took a raspy moan erupting from his chest for Mina to release his wrist and then suddenly crawl her way to his mouth, crashing onto him fully.

Heaven. His lips were the softest she had ever kissed, the taste of her blood still there and mingling with his own. The scent of calming bergamot filled her nose, having another moan flow out of her.

Mina was half expecting him to push her away. She certainly didn’t expect for Jimin to pull her more on top of himself, pulling at her thighs so she was completely straddling him. His lips moved against her fully, as if he was as desperate to taste her as she was with him. Mina brushed her long fingers through his hair, whimpering at how soft and luscious it felt. It was his turn to groan, however, when her fingers tugged at his roots.

One of his hands was placed on her waist, groping the flesh, while the other traveled up her thigh and then her ass, squeezing and lowering her hips to his lap. He took the opportunity of her opening her mouth to gasp to move his tongue inside her mouth, caressing and sucking at her lips.

The shockwave that flowed through his entire body made him release a louder groan. Mina had started to move her hips, grinding herself against him. She grinned slowly at Jimin’s reaction, wrapping her arms around his neck and relishing on the feel of his cock rubbing at her own center.

“Mina…” He breathed out, hands taking hold of her hips and lips lowering to her neck.

Her taste was intoxicating, his tongue gliding over the skin of the elegant column of her neck and tasting. Jimin kissed her collarbones, high on the sound of her moans above his head. His lips were drawing closer and closer to the fullness of her breasts, kissing and nipping. She shuddered, however, when Jimin sucked at one spot on her neck, fangs smoothing over her skin.

“Fuck, that feels so good!” Mina moaned out, throwing her head back and letting her fingers pass through the silkiness of his hair.

Jimin raised his right hand from where it was squeezing her ass and softly traced it over her back, feeling her muscles flex and spine arching into him. It was when he reached her injured shoulder, however, that Mina gasped in pain and flinched slightly.

“Oh, shit, are you okay?” He asked, pulling away from her neck and searching her expression.

Mina was scrunching her nose, in discomfort. Jimin had literally just squeezed the place where she'd been shot. Even though she had just consumed his blood, the wound was still healing and the flesh still irritated and hurting.

“I don’t think I'm into pain, love…” Mina grunted, rolling her shoulder and wincing again.

Jimin began to feel embarrassed then. He felt utterly ashamed of himself for touching her the way he did, for using her like that when she was injured. He shouldn’t have done this.

Clearing his throat, he used his arm to push himself up, bringing Mina up with him. She yelped slightly and giggled, her arms wrapping around his neck in reflex. And when Mina thought Jimin was about to take the matters to bed, he simply eased her on the duvet, so she was sitting down, and then pulled away completely from her.

Mina arched an eyebrow, a bit in awe.

“I'll give you something to wear, you're top is all bloody.” He said, moving to reach his closet to pull out a hoodie of his.

Mina was a little confused, staring at the grey hoodie he was extending her.

“Uh… Sorry, maybe I should go grab something from Amelia- “

“No, this is fine.” Mina said, drawing a smile on her lips and taking the sweater from his hands.

So, here she was, all hot and bothered, having the female equivalent of blue balls, and this guy was worried about hurting her and her bloody top. Mina noticed he was still struggling with the obvious boner he was sporting, but he simply placed his t-shirt in front of it and ignored it like a champ. Well, hell! This was different. Any other guy would still take her to bed and get the deed done, but not Jimin, it seemed.

“I'll go fix the bathroom and then you can change there.” Jimin mumbled, hurrying to the bathroom and beginning to clean the objects used to remove the bullet that had been in her shoulder.

While sitting on the bed, she took a moment to study his movements. Jimin was fast to clean the cotton swabs and the washcloth he had used, along with the small scalpel and tweezers. Mina had no idea if he was doing his best to just ignore her presence or if he was simply too nervous to look her way again.

When he was done, Jimin left the bathroom and then came forward to her.

“Do you need help with anything?” He asked, flushing when his eyes met hers.

“Kind of, yeah, you left me all hot and bothered.” She drew a foxy smile when Jimin blushed a deeper shade of red and looked around, not knowing what to do “It’s okay, shit happens. Can you just help me clean the blood off?”

Jimin nodded and went back inside the bathroom to get a fresh, clean cloth.
Mina tried to not make this even more uncomfortable for the guy by turning her back to him, to undress her top. She hissed when her arm lifted, the movement making her wince at the sting in her shoulder.

“You okay?” Jimin asked from behind her, his voice sounding concerned.

“S'all good. Just hurts when I move my arm.” She mumbled, placing the thick sweater up to her naked chest.

Jimin made quick work of washing her skin clean, hands delicate and soft as they brushed over her in small touches.

“All done.”

She thanked him and then quickly pulled on the hoodie over her body, wincing again. Mina's nostrils were overwhelmed by the softness of the bergamot smell she had first smelled on him. It was all over the fabric and it was relaxing and manly.

Jimin nearly choked on a molecule when Mina turned around, releasing her wild hair from the collar of the hoodie. She looked perfect, surrounded by his shirt that looked a little too big for her, with his scent all over her...


“I'll go park the Jeep properly, now. Just call if you need anything. Maybe you should try and rest.” Jimin said, avoiding her stare again.

He basically fled the place, leaving Mina behind. She smiled again, this time being filled with a strange feeling of home. She grabbed the sweater's collar and brought it up to her nose, breathing in that beautiful scent of his. Bergamot was one of her favorites.

And, damn, he was good kisser!

~ Sass 😘❤

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