Let us cultivate our garden.

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The girl is just that a girl, tiny frame dwarfed by her personality. She dances along the edge of the street singing quietly to herself, the rushing water her only audience, the file mentioned something about choir. Bangles dangling around dainty wrists, dyed red hair streaming behind her, she looks serene and happy. Chuuya allows himself to feel a pang of almost-pity before he melts out of the shadows and grabs her roughly.

She screams which isn't a surprise, but astonishingly enough reaches for her backpack with lightning quick fingers and manages to pull out a taser before Chuuya bats it out of her hand. She screams some more and Chuuya claps a hand in front of her face, he grimaces when she bites down glad that his gloves take most of the damage.

"Stop it," He says, sternly. "We're probably not going to kill you, and it's not like anyone can hear you."

There's a cough behind him and Yosano steps out. "Maybe you could let me handle this?"

Chuuya shrugs and shoves the girl in her direction.

"Were not going to hurt you." Yosano soothes, hands out. "We just need you to do something for us."

The girl just glares..

Yosano licks her lip and begins softly "A few days you used your ability on a coworker or ours, Dazai Osam-."

"I'm not-" The girls interrupts, pausing when Yosano holds up a hand.

"You're not in trouble."

"I don't care, he deserves this!" The girl cried, "I was hoping when you saw what he was really like, you would. y'know-deal with him." She trails off looking contrite.

"We aren't going to do that." Yosano states.

"But he-"

"He's changing, we're not justifying what he did in the past or who he was in the past, but we will vouch for the man we know now." Yosano's eyes flicker to him briefly, "He's doing his best."

"You can't just become a good person!" The girl spits, she's crying now, little hitches in her breath.

"You're right, you can't. You chose to be one, every morning you wake up and you decide to be better." She steps forward, gently wiping her tears. "That's what he's doing."

The girl stares, mouth opening and closing, eyes glassy. Finally a single tear slides down her face, and that's when Chuuya loses his patience. He steps forward and gently presses a syringe filled with clear liquid into the back of her neck. Her eyes roll back and she topples over. Chuuya sighs gustily ignoring the shocked stares, he scoops up the girl, cradling her gently. He moves past Yosano and Ranpo swinging her backpack on his shoulder,he calls the driver over and deposits her in the front seat.

Turning back he announces "Take her back to the agency, make Dazai deactivate the ability and then," He wavers, pausing for a second, "And then make sure Dazai never goes near her again."

When they dont answer immediately, Chuuya snarls, "Understand?"

Yosano nods, seeming to understand but stays just staring at him, Ranpo who has been worryingly silent the whole time places a guiding hand on her back and leads her away.

He gets in the car too, mostly because he has too. He has to see the job all the way through, but he sits in the front.

The car is silent mostly because the grunt is really only supposed to drive and Chuuya doesn't feel like making small talk the way he might usually. Yosano and Ranpo are solemnly silent, staring at the girl with matching looks of pity. The girl whimpers and wiggles in her sleep, not properly still. Yosano soothes her with a gentle hand on her head, sweeping burnished bangs out her eyes. Chuuya looks away quickly, he feels as if he's intruding on something private.

They arrive at the Agency, the car pulling in silently. There is hushed harried discussion on whether they should leave the girl in the car or take her inside. They decide to leave her in the car, figuring they could just drive her home afterwards. Yosano and Ranpo hurry inside to call Dazai, leaving Chuuya with the girl.

As if on cue she stirs, rising quickly and obviously panicked.

"Sit down, kid." Chuuya snaps. She ignores him and tries for the doors, pounding on the windows, futile but good effort. She settles when she realizes it too.

"Are you going to kill me?" She questions, no longer panicked, more resigned now.

"No," Chuuya says quickly because he doesn't feel witty or cryptic, he's blunt because that makes him feel secure-to be sure of where you stand is a relief. "Somones going to deactivate your ability and then we'll leave you at your home, or a train station-I'm going to be frank there's no point calling the police, they won't care or even be able to help you if they did."

The girl knows that because she simply nods and sways tiredly.

"I said sit down kid."

"My names Gloria." She snaps, a mulish teenager at heart.

"I know." Chuuya says simply, because he does know-it was in the file but names made attachment easier and Chuuya enjoyed simplicity. "Like the song?" He questions.

"Yeah." The girl pauses and smirks slightly, "It's a shit name."

"It really is."

She snorts and drops her head onto the window, eyes half-hooded. "He killed my brother, and you're trying to save him."

Chuuya shrugs because yeah that's what they're doing. "I know."

"I want him dead, he deserves it." She might be crying, Chuuya can't tell.

"Yeah, he sorta does." He agrees.

"I hate him" And she's crying now for sure.

"Yeah, I do too."

"No," She snaps, "No you don't , you wouldn't be here if you did."

Chuuya lets his head fall back, the brim of his hat obscuring the street, he can still see Dazai walking towards the car, flanked by the Agency.

"Yeah," He whispers his assent, "I don't."

To Be Shameless : To No Longer Have InhibitionsWhere stories live. Discover now