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OK. I’m SOOOOO pissed at myself, I typed up this next chapter and it was like four pages long, I thought I uploaded it, and I didn’t SO I deleted it from my files and it never got uploaded therefor, no nice long chapter. IM SO SORRY. So this is a shortened version because I’m sick & I’m tired and I have a ton of work to do, but I wanted to update at least something :/ So if anybody even likes this story (LOL AS IF.) I’d really appreciate feedback. Again, REALLY sorry that I’m a sucky author :ooo

40 votes total & 3 comments till next chapter!!!! The more votes, the longer the chapters!

“Are you okay?”

“Mhhm, yeah, I’m fine.” He cleared his throat, while whipping his nose.

“You’re lying.”

“I know.” He whispered, although I don’t think I was supposed to hear that.

“Niall what’s wrong?” I approached him, he looked up at me with sad blue eyes.

“My mum. She’s sick, it’s pneumonia again.” His puffy eyes darted to the floor.

“I’m sorry, she’ll be better soon though, right?” I moved forward again and rubbed circles into his back as he leant over the sink again, I could see he was trying to hold back the tears.

“I hope so, she gets sick a lot, but she keeps on going.” He sniffled, awe.

“Well tell her I said get well soon.”

“Thanks, it means a lot.” He almost smiled.

“You okay now?” I half smiled.

“Yeah, it’s just hard you know? I never get to go home anymore, and I just wish I was there to help her.” He blinked hard. I continued rubbing circles into his back, trying to comfort the sad little Irish boy in front of me.

“You miss her a lot, don’t you? She’s lucky to have a son like you.”

“Yeah I do, I might be an international pop star, but I’m a big momma’s boy, and thanks, I just wish I could see my family without it being some big hassle.”

“I know how you feel...” I whispered, feeling a stinging sensation in my chest.

“What?” he looked over at me, suddenly more interested.

“Nothing.” I quickly recovered, almost letting myself slip. His big eyes stared deep into my chocolate ones, as if he were trying to figure me out, like a puzzle. Only I was a puzzle, with missing pieces.

 “C’mon Niall, lets watch a film?” I smiled, breaking the silence.

“Sounds good.” His eyes left mine, breaking our stare. His puzzled expression now turned to a smile, he had an adorable smile. It seemed to reach his eyes, making them sparkle like they do in the movies.

“So what do you want to watch?” he asked, flipping quietly through movies, making sure not to wake the other boys.

“It doesn’t matter, pick whatever you’d like.” I pulled down my pillow and throw blanket from my bed, and as I turned around, I was horrified with the sight before me.

“You really had to pick that movie?” I shuttered as it started to play.

“Oh c’mon, it’s not so bad.” He laughed. I was usually alright when it came to scary movies, I mean they’re just movies, but Drag Me to Hell was the exception, I sent him an uneasy look.

“I’ll be right here, don’t worry.” He patted the floor next to him, I decided that just this once I would give in, and took a seat next to him. He started to play with my chocolaty brown hair, and it relaxed me a bit, I love when boys do that. But as the movie went on, I found myself getting more and more freaked out, and as the part approached where the old women appeared on the girl’s bed, I lost it.

“Niall please turn it off.” I demanded, he ignored my request.

“Niall turn off the movie.” I started squinting my eyes, ready to shut them at any moment. The girl let out a blood curdling scream, and I had had enough.

“NIALL! Please! Please turn it off!” I hid under the blanket, and the screaming stopped, the room was silent, and I felt a pair of arms reach around me.

“Hey, c’mon, I’m right here.” He pulled me into him.

“That movie gives me the creeps, I’m sorry I’m such a little bitch.” I laughed.

“It’s okay, and you’re not a bitch, you’re really sweet, thanks for trying to help me back there.” I took the blanket off of me and looked up at him, to meet his eyes that were already staring down at me.

“No problem, that’s what friends are for.” I smiled at him, as he returned the gesture.

We talked for hours on end about anything that came to mind, at around 5:00 am, my eyelids were getting droopy and our conversation was getting shorter, and the last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep, is being pulled into his arms, and resting my head on his chest.

And it felt so right.

________________ 40/ 3 comments total votes till next chapter! The more votes & Comments, the longer the chapters!!_____________ I Love You Guys!!!!!! <3

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