the party

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after softball cora got her stuff and tys mom picked her because baseball just ended at the same time and she had to pick up ty anyways. cora got into the car " hi maddie hows ur dad been" cora said as she set her things next to her in the car " hey cora ive been doing great and you how was you first day back" maddie said as she started to drive to my house " it was good a bit boring because i only have two classes with annie and ty and jacksons in my first hour unforntionly'' i said maddie knows how much i hate jackson " oh maybe you should give jackson a chance this year im sure hes changed over the summer im hopeing there wont be as much drama as there is with that kid him family is even worse then him trust me" she said me and ty rolled are eyes and we sat in silence for the rest of the car ride to my house which was luckly only 5 min away. I said by to the townsends and went up stairs and shower and went on my phone when i got a text from my softball group chat they asked if i had wanted to go to a party at jackson ofc i didnt wanna go but one of my friends had a thing for jackson so ofc like always they made me go. I got up and put on a cute red dress my friends came to pick me up as we got there i noticed everyone was there basicly are whole school then i saw ty i went up to him " never would have thought to see you here" i said as i walked up to him he turned around ''my whole team is here they made me come what about you why are you here dont tell me you are listaning to my mom about giving jackson a chance" he said as he rolled his eyes and we started to walk around a bit "no ofcorse not olivia made me come she has a thing for jackson god knows why" i said and we both laugh unforntiontly we found jackson " oh how cute did you come togther thats sweet but no phones put them in the bucket right now" he said as he grabed are phones out of are hands "no we didnt come togther why do you care so much tho huh dose jackson have a crush on cora maybe jackson dose have a heart" ty said as he steped a little closer to jackson. oh no somethings going to happen why dose this always happen why do they always have to fight " have a crush on her hell no i dont go for stuckup shalow bitches" jackson said. that hurt i have no idea why but it hurt why would he say something like that maybe he dosent have a heart. ty could see how upset that coment hurt me he took a swing at jackson and hit him right in the face jackson hit back punched ty right in the stumch then i got between them " cut it out both of you now this is not the time nor the place. Jackson couldnt take no for and anwser and tried to get closer to ty but i elbowed him in the face leading him to stumbel back alittle he was about to come closer to me and i think hit me but his parents came in and shut everything down. Ty took me home we didnt talk at all on are way back just sat there we finally got to my house i steped pot of the car and just walked inside without sating goodnight ty and jackson pissed me off tonight for the last time they are on the same team they cant hate eachother forever can they. I woke up the next morning thank god its saturday and i dont have to see anyone one from school besides annie i texted her and told her everything sabout yesterday. I got out of bed and took a shower and got ready then went to annies she was the only one home so we just hung out all day and talked nothing specia. I ended up sleeping over that night

A/N hope yall like this chapter im going to do the homecoming episode soon so after that it will basicly be season 2 so there will be spoliers just leting you know

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