Late for School

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Peter was currently running around his room at the Avengers tower looking for something to wear to school. It was 6:50 am and he needed to be at school by 7:20 am but he had no luck in finding clean clothes. "I thought I brought enough clothes for my stay" He thought. He picked up a pair off pants and smelt them then once he smelled the stench he scrunched his face and quickly put them down. That's when he saw a neatly folded shirt he quickly put that in and decided to wear the pants he wore yesterday. After all that he quickly put his shoes on and went straight to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

As he was brushing his teeth he heard a knock on his bedroom door followed by the voice of Steve Rogers. "Hey kid you better hurry up or else you won't have time for breakfast" Steve shouted through the door. Peter responded back "I'll be out in two minutes I'm almost finished brushing my teeth" his voiced sounded muffled. Peter spat out the tooth paste and rinsed his mouth. He got out of the bathroom grabbing his backpack and walking out his bedroom heading towards the kitchen.

Peter made his way into the kitchen and the first thing he saw was Sam and Bucky at the table fighting over the maple syrup. "Give it back to me birdbrain" Bucky shouted. Sam responded "make me Cyborg". They continued fighting for a while until Bucky got frustrated and gave up. He continued to eat his pancakes plain.

Then Peter saw Steve at the stove making said pancakes. Steve was whistling away flipping the pancakes when he looked up and saw Peter. He quickly put some pancakes in a plate with eggs and bacon and put them in the table. "Here kid eat" Steve said "don't want you going to school hungry". "I'm going to be late for school if I sit down and to eat" Peter exclaimed. "Well I'd rather you be late than go to school hungry without being able to eat until what... 12" Steve retorted "so sit down and eat". "If I get in trouble it's on you" muttered Peter as Steve walked out of the kitchen. "I'll just have Pepper or Tony write you a note if there's a problem telling whoever that you came in early to work or something" Steve yelled back at him. Peter continued eating. "So Parker is that Bash kid still giving you a hard time" asked Sam. "His name is Flash and yes he still doesn't believe I work here even though countless of teachers confirmed it already" Peter replied with a mouth full of eggs. Bucky spoke up "you know I could scare him a little into leaving you alone. "Thank you Mr. Bucky sir but I'd rather not be an accomplice to a crime and I can handle it"stammered nervously. Bucky shrugged his shoulders and saw a chance to get the maple syrup and quickly got it. "Aww man" Sam shouted. Bucky flipped him off and happily poured more than half the bottle on his pancakes. Peter spoke up once again "where is everyone else". Sam answered " I know Natasha and Clint are in the training room Banner and Stark are probably in the lab Thor isn't here in the tower currently Wanda is most likely sleeping Vision i don't know he's probably also in the lab and that's All I know". Once he was finished eating he went to the sink to wash his dishes when Steve walked back in. "Peter leave them Sam and Buck will do them" Steve said smugly "here's your lunch get going" he handed a lunch box to Peter

Peter reached school five minutes before 7:20 he quickly ran to his class. He made it there right 2 minutes after the bell rang. Peter tried to sneak his way into his seat but Ms. Warren as she was facing the whiteboard writing the says lesson plan sensed him "Parker you're late" Peter froze in place. "I'm sorry I missed the bus so I had to walk" Peter replied with a lie. "This is your 5th time being late this month alone keep it up and you'll be seeing me in detention everyday for a month do you understand" Ms. Warren announced. Peter spoke up again "yes I understand I'm sorry it won't happen again" Peter sat down in his seat next to Ned and in front of MJ. He turned around to look at MJ "Hey" he said as he smiled she smiled and said hey back. He turned back around and faced Ned they greeted each other by doing their handshake. "Dude you don't ride the bus" Ned pointed out as he whispered "why were you really late". Peter answered "I couldn't find any clean clothes and then when I was finished getting ready Steve made me eat breakfast". Ned stifled a laugh

Ms. Warren finished writing the lesson plan on the board and turned around she opened her mouth to speak again "ok before we start today's class I have an announcement" she said as she paused for a brief second expecting everyone to be excited "ok hold your excitement... WE ARE GOING ON A FIELD" she paused again this got the students attention. "Where are we going?" asked Flash. Mr Warren spoke up again "that is actually a surprise but trust me it's going to be fun, here are the the permission slips" she said as she handed the slips out "the field trip is next Friday so a week from today please make sure to hand in your slips no later than Tuesday" and with that everyone put their permissions in their book bags and Ms. Warren started class.

It was 12:00 and after four periods the trio met up for lunch. Peter and Ned waited for MJ at the entrance of the cafeteria. They were talking about Star Wars when MJ snuck up on Peter. She startled him for a quick second before he regained his composure "hey" he said to her as he gave her a quick peck "hey" she said back "come on let's go in I'm starving" they made their way to the lunch line to get lunch well except Peter he had his own lunch but he still went with them. After MJ and Ned got their lunch they made their way to their table and sat down. "So Parker why were you really late" MJ asked as she took a bite a bite out of her Granny Smith Apple. Peter was looking through his lunch box before he looked up to answer "I could not find any clean clothes and then when I finished getting ready Steve made me eat breakfast he said and I quote "I'd rather you be late than go to school hungry with out being able to eat until 12"".  "He's such a dad" Ned joked "so what did he pack you for lunch". "How do you know he made me lunch? Maybe I made my own lunch."  Peter suggested. Ned and MJ laughed "Dude you don't even believe that you can't even make a PB&J" Ned started "and I know it was him because he's the only one that makes you lunch Aunt May and everyone else give you money to buy lunch" Ned finished  "You know it's true the last time Aunt May made you lunch was in middle school". "Ok yes Steve made me lunch happy" Peter said defeated "yes very" MJ spoke up again  and Peter rolled his eyes playfully "so what did he make you". "I got a chicken salad wrap, some strawberries and blueberries, some celery carrots and cucumber with ranch and hummus, a veggie sticks and a Powerade" Peter answers as he looked at each thing. "Damn can we trade" Ned said sarcastically as he lifted his cold and soggy pizza. Peter responded "I can share I won't trade though, MJ do you some vegetables and frui..." he didn't get to finish because MJ had already grabbed a carrot dipping it in the hummus smiling sheepishly at him and as she did that Peter gave half of his wrap to Ned they continued to talk wondering what the mystery field trip was the end of lunch came and they went back to class

It was the 2:30 and school had just ended Peter had an ok day thankfully Flash wasn't at school today he had a doctors appointment or was a dentist appointment Peter couldn't really remember. Peter MJ and Ned met at the front of the school so that they could walk home together. As they walked they talked about meeting up later that day to help Peter patrol. And they did just that surprisingly there wasn't much crime that Friday afternoon. The biggest thing that happened that night was a robbery at a convenience store and that was an easy job the robber had a fake gun. The rest of the week Peter hung out at The Avengers Tower with his friends.


Don't worry I'm not going to have any of them baby Peter I hate when authors treat Peter like he's 5 and I'm not going to have him call Nat mama spider like wtf is that he is going to have a good relationship with him but no like a mother/son thing same with Steve they're going to have a good relationship but not a father/son thing

Words: 1524
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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