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Authors Note: Just a little something sitting in my drafts that I think you all will enjoy.

Summary: Sometimes relationships end out of the fear of moving forward, fear of heartbreak. Sometimes those people find each other again.

The thing that made him a good partner was the same thing that made her pull back. He was good at everything whether it came naturally or not. He was willing to put in the work, committed to a routine, showing up, working at it — the whole nine yards. Day in and day out with a smile and a renewed appreciation for it.

They were forehead to forehead now in the moonlit living room, their breaths in harmony, chests rising and falling at the same pace. The distance between them shrinking with each passing moment. The love felt too strong to be denied.

It was more than a young relationship. It's not often lost people find each other. But they had. It was terrifying to her — riveting to him. The kind of woman she was excited him in every way. Beautiful, smart, witty and sharp. A little hard on the outside but the sexiest kind of thoughtful a woman could be to the man she loved.


He'd never felt that for a woman before. Family didn't count. He'd never felt that from a woman before not in a way that gratified his manhood in the absence of sexual pleasure.

"Elle" his voice is deep and attentive as his bowed head rises and his eyes open. They'd broken up months ago — the decision had been mutual and the root of Tre's misery. Elle had disappeared and become inaccessible. She excelled at running. Not the moderate consistent kind. Making mad dashes and zig zagging out of perceived danger. Comfort and stability were things she was unaccustomed to finding in other people. Finding a good man altogether was something beyond her - but she had.

With Tre the fairytale was real. He didn't hate moving slow. They were friends for six months before it turned into something more. Their attachment found in mutual care for each other and attentiveness. It was too much for her, too intense. Meeting his gaze wasn't easy either. She could feel his frustration brewing apart of her wanted to pull away but the other couldn't.

"I don't want us to be broken up anymore"

"We haven't worked through any of the problems" Elle reminds.

"We don't have any problems" Tre snaps.

"We do, it was too much" Elle explains bruising his pride. He'd been a ladies man. Young handsome and with his life together. There were at least ten women he knew personally that would do anything for the commitment and love he gave Elle.

"Do you love me?" He asks and Elle sighs looking away. It was another part of her he'd come to be amused by. Her general mistrust for affection and skepticism of love. She'd loved him then. He gets up and she pulls him back down to the sofa ready to admit her feelings. His frustration builds and he kisses her as a mercy. It's intimate and intense. It ends with her straddled across his lap and her head resting in the crook of his neck. She still loved him. There was no escaping that part of their relationship. Her feelings were strong and so were his and sometimes it felt like drowning.

She could feel his manhood hardening under her. He was well endowed and a great lover. He'd been her first. The first person she trusted with that part of herself. He carried that dutifully making love to her intimately each time their clothes came off.

"I'm sorry" he comments when she gets off stepping back. His expression changes when she gets on her knees in front of him. Lack of experience had been against her. She was terrible at blow jobs before. She knew Tre was lying when he said they were good but he never pushed to have them so they couldn't have been. The problem was not reciprocated.

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