Chapter 1

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'Death comes for all, no matter where you hide, no matter how far you run , the scythe will one day be on your neck and then death will reap its harvest.'

Kabir mulled over this briefly as he glanced over the edge he was being held over. He looked over to the spirit who had its arms around his neck.

"Why are you doing this? You don't have to kill the students, they're innocent, all of them."

"My reasons are my own, but let me tell you one thing that I will be enjoying draining the blood out. Of. Every. Single. One. Of. Them." The spirit was swaying on his feet, as if the tipper-tap of the falling rain was harming him. Steam rose from his body. His eyes were blue flaming balls.

"Who are you?" Kabir squeaked while grappling with the huge arms.

"I. Am. Your. Greatest. Nightmare. The one you fear the most, I'm your maker. I'm your master, and now I'm. Your. Death." He nudged Kabir off the edge and let go.

It was for but a second that he stared into the eyes of his "maker" before falling. Time slowed as he exhaled his last breath and it just *clicked* in his head. He drifted to the terrible night when it had all started and when he had lost his family. He eyes moistened but not from the falling drops this time.

The ground approached fast and he closed his eyes, the image of the spirit standing on the edge of the roof burnt into his mind.

'I'm coming mama, papa. I'm sorry Sam, I can't save you this time. I'm so so sorry, for the agony you will be put through. You were my bestfriend'

He could feel the spirit's soul manipulation on himself, trying to speed up his descent. He had lost all hope and strength to battle anymore. He let the spirit control his descent. Just as he was about to hit the ground it all went black.

2 months earlier

Kabir stood in front of the esteemed St. Lawrence, admiring the beauty and the architecture the British era. The arches and the towers gave the school a spooky feeling. Considering what was haunting the school. Kabir felt it as if it were another one of the Hollywood's horror set. 

It was the start of the new session and no one should turn their eyes at a new student, at Kabir hoped so. Attention was always detrimental to exorcisms. 

'If only they knew what was happening in real life, they won't be so eager to create new horror films.'

Kabir was an exorcist, called in 'special cases' when the ghosts or the supernatural wasn't under the capability of the usual priests to solve. This time the call of help had come from St. Lawrence, located on the edge of modern-day Hyderabad. It was a prep school with boarding facilities. Schooling here would ensure that you get into the top colleges in the country.

The SOS caller had been anonymous, citing that if found out, it could lead to defamation of the school. His first order of business was to find the caller and get the details of the haunting. After that it would depend on the type of ghost how much time Kabir would need.

Asking fellow students and the staff, stumbling here and there he made it to his first class of the day. 'Best take the seat at the back to avoid attention, I just want this to be over with.' He settled down, ignoring the mutterings and the pointed stares of the kids all around him. In front of him was the biggest guy he possibly might've seen. You could take a nap behind the guy and the teacher would probably think that you skipped class again.

The din of the classroom rose to a slow buzz as people started pointing and whispering at him, mind you, he didn't look anything special but he was a newbie and newbie meant entertainment. He slumped in his seat and put his head down pretending to be asleep. 'Better than talking with anyone.'

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