Part two

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Joes P.O.V
I opened my eyes but instantly shut them while the sun was blinding my eyes. I groaned remembering the previous night. I shifted a little and felt someone I looked up and saw her beautiful face. I admire all her features for a couple of moments. My eyes finally landed on her lips. God I wish I could kiss them again.
Normal p.o.v
While Joe was admiring her he didn't realize he was leaning in. And soon enough his lip brushed over hers lightly making Demi move but quickly went back to sleep. Joe let out a breathe of relief hoping she didn't feel anything. But little did Joe know she was awake the whole time.
Demis p.o.v
I've been awake the whole night thinking about Joe. I saw him shift and open his eyes. I instantly closed mine making it seem as if I'm asleep. I felt him shift and his eyes were on me. It took everything in me not to open my eyes. Suddenly I felt his lips brush against mine oh how much did I miss his lips. I wanted to crush my lips on his but I was confused. Did he want to be with me again or is this just his depression speaking be moved on demi. Stop think he loves you cause he doesn't. Friends, that's all you'll ever be to him is a friend.
Normal p.o.v
Moments later Demi opened her eyes as she moved slowly adjusting her eyes. She looked over at Joe to see him staring out the window. Joe felt her eyes on him and turned and made eye contact. They stayed like this for a couple of minutes till Joe leaned over and hugged her tight never wanting to let go. Same with Demi. They heard the door slightly open and instantly pulled away before they walked in. Even if Demi was Joes best friends his family didn't exactly like her the most.

Sorry this chapter was really short but it's spring break for me and yea but I promise after wards I'll update more💕💕

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