Chapter 1

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I nestled closer to my mothers belly, her warmth enclosing me. With my brothers and sisters tucked in beside me, I was comfortable.

"Nuk! Wake up!" whispered the voice of my best friend Aaliyah as she whispered her nickname for me. I groaned and rolled over, getting to my paws as silently as possible so that the rest of my litter wouldn't wake up.

I stumbled across the hard dirt floor of the den and together Aally (my nickname for her) and I walked out into the open. I blinked rapidly, trying to get used to the blinding light of the sun. "Hurry up Nuk! We gotta get goin'!" Aally whispered and scampered off in the direction of the forest. I grumbled unhappily and padded after her.

"Where are we going?" I growled unhappily, wishing I was back in the den.

"You'll see!" said Aally, who simply picked up an even faster pace as we dodged trees and bushes.

"Aally! Slow it!" I snarled nipping at her tail.

"Sorry" Aally yelped in her squeaky pup-voice, slowing her pace ever so slightly.

"Aaliyah!" I growled at her, I rarely used her full name unless I was totally serious.

She stopped and turned to look at me, her tail twitching in annoyance."What has got your fur in such a tangle?!" She growled back at me. "I need to show you something so why can't you just follow me for a bit?" she said sighing.

"Fine" I said.

"Well lets get going then!" she said. With that, she jumped up and ran full tilt into the undergrowth. I shook my head, -will I ever understand her?- I thought to myself, -nope- I said and smiled as I answered my own question.

Once Aally finally stopped abruptly, it had seemed like we had run for hours.

"Quiet!" She barked at me.

I nodded and peered around the clump of bushes that we were hiding behind. In front of us, was the main territory! I looked at her in amazement, how had she found it?! No pup was even allowed to know where it was until they had passed initiation!

She smiled back at my look of awe and surprise "told you it would be worth it" she whispered braggingly.

The main territory was where the pack lived, it was apart from the nursing dens and only the initiated wolves lived there. - The alphas, betas, and guardians all live here!- I thought, maybe I'll finally get to see my mother and father I thought hopefully. You see, my parents are the alphas so when my mother gave birth to me and the rest of my litter, we were given to a nurser who will take care if us until we pass our initiation. The same happens to all of the pups if their parents live in the main territory.

Suddenly, a large mouth closed around my scruff and plucked Aally and me up it padded to the middle of the territory and dropped us. "Whaddoo we have 'ere?" said a large brown and grey male.

A white female wolf walked over and looked at us "looks like a couple of pups" she said. "From what I can tell, the little guy looks like Keira's! I'll go get her and Tam" She barked and padded off.

The male sat down and looked sternly at us "what are ya doin so fa' from the nursin' dens?" He asked gazing at us.

"I found the main territory so I wanted to explore!" Aally said determinedly.

"Aye, a cheeky one we have 'ere!" the male said "I'd give ma pelt and a meal that this un's Sabri's." he said and chuckled.

The female wolf padded back over with a pair of sleek, muscular wolves behind her. My eyes widened -could these be them?- I thought hopefully.

"Well, well, well. You were right about him Tylan" the large female said as she addressed the white wolf. "He is mine" she said softly and bent down to my eye level. "Hello Anuk" she said and touched her muzzle to my cheek.

I looked up at her, "hello!" I barked as fiercely as I could, but honestly it sounded more like a squeak.

"Why don' I go fetch Sabri" said the male "I 'lieve that dat little she pup is hers" he said and walked off.

The huge male sat down in front of me "hello Anuk, I am Tam, your father" he said sternly.

"Hi" I said shyly.

"You two shouldn't have run off like that. You know that you're supposed to stay within the nursing dens boundaries." said Tam.

I nodded, bending my head to look at my paws.

"Kiera and Sabri you will escort these two back to the nursing dens" Tam said and turned away. "I will see you again when initiation time comes" he stated and walked back towards where Tylan was standing.

Kiera, my mother and Sabri a dark brown wolf who was Aaliyah's mother turned us around and started to walk us out of the main territory.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2013 ⏰

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