1. The Past & Present

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- Enchanting voice of a woman speaking -

With the pain belongs to one person alone becomes the power to protect who she love. When times stop as her own sword killed it's owner. A blood shed through it. Burned by her own people. Burned by her own King she used to serve for her whole life. A Queen who killed her  sister smiling on her last breath.

A fire of enraged engulfing her heart. ' This isn't the end. I will come back again on your life for revenge ' She said to herself.

- Clock turning back -










" How's my sister? "  Kara asked to a good friend who's assigned to protect her little sister. A man smile broadly to her and lead the way to one cabin standing in the middle of vast forest. A sword hanging on her hips with one hand on it. Ready to draw anytime soon in case of emergency.

" Where we're you this morning Kara? "  A man asked not looking at her. Kara giggle at how her friend be so worries on her doing. She's thankful about it. A few steps away from the cabin door ,she stop, so her friend followed too. Turning his head towards Kara.

"  I'm going to war at sunrise "  Winn just gulped, knowing what Kara meant. " I just want to say a proper  goodbye to my sister " Kara added.

" I will pray on your safety Captain Zor-El " Winn stated firmly and embrace Kara quickly.

- The Treason War -

Breathing, breathing, a sword full of blood by people Kara killed. Swinging here and there it kill souls. She was entitled being a death curse by warriors. Hundred of wars and yet she's still roaring, conquering like a dragon. Ten thousand deaths of three days drawing swords, spears and more.






She promised to Alexandra that after the war. They will live in quite life away from danger.

A flags of victory waving in each side of palace wall. A citizen of kingdom are full of joy that the war ended. A horses with their owner entering the massive steel gate. Hundred of guard standing in line with unknown facial expressions.

A man with a black horse came in front.

" Open the Gate! Our VICTORY and reason to ending the war was because of Our Captain Kara Zor-El! This is for the KING & KINGDOM VICTORY! " He shouted proudly. Smile plastered on his face.

The gate open and they lead the way up to the Palace. Inside of the palace a thousands of soldiers are waiting in the entrance.  Kara stop give a smile and a bow to her King & Queen standing in a red carpet on the top stairs.

" My King & Queen! " She greeted kneeling with right arm on her heart followed by her warriors.

" How dare you to came back alive Kara Zor-El! " That's majesty stated in angry voice. Immediately Kara look up to face her Majesty. Confused.

" Majesty, what are you--" ENOUGH You Traitor of this kingdom must be punish to death ! "  Queen herself speaks. The murmurs around went down. Confused by the accusations she stood high.

A palace soldiers point their Swords to her neck. She didn't flinch but didn't move. Breathe still steady,she's calm like the air.

" Whatever your accusing me. Your Majesty. You all know I won't  take my back to this kingdom and to you! I swear my loyalty to you only! " She answered firmly and clearly. Those blue eyes spotted a familiar face besides her Majesty.

"  Who would believe you when there's a witness on your exchanging materials by one of criminals daughter?"  He said and smirk.

Materials? Materials? What-- that. She's in her thought when a two more guards came in. Kara's breathe caught on her throat. Her mind shouting NO. NOT THIS. PLEASE! Eyes started to blur. She blinked.

" Your Majesty! It's not what you think ! " Kara quickly response.

James was about to help but he was cornered by the palace soldiers.

" SILENCE ! " the palace soldiers hit her nape and side ribs. She's on the floor now.

" No! Please don't hurt my sister! " Alexandra pleaded even her own bruise bleeding.
Arrows pointing on them. No one dare to move from their position.

Soldiers started to attack her. Kick here and there, she didn't fight. Why I didn't fighting?  Kara asking herself and smile when she remember that material is for her sister's  medicine. Her friend from other kingdom is helping her to create an antidote.


There's a blood running on her hands now. Shaking and roam her eyes. The woman who helping her to make an antidote is on the floor. Bathing with her own blood, green eyes still staring at her. Kara move her body towards her, glitch--- " don't die please, don't leave me too! " Kara cried.

Glitch again.

She's infront of Alexandra. Arrows on her body. No life anymore.


James holding the swords she own. Tears on his face falling. Saying his sorry and will follow her afterlife. To serve her until the next death of life.


" HAAAH ! " Breathing heavily, blinking , adjusting herself to sit up. Sweat broke into her forehead. She click something on the night table a d the lights turn on. Giving her a light and a space to breathe properly. She take a deep breath and released it. Running a hands to her blonde hair. Eyes look at the time plastered on the wall. 3:02 am.

"  What the hell was that? " Kara mumbled then get out of bed. Open the glass door to her balcony. She was greeted by a cold air. The city lights shining downtown. A constellations of stars in the sky sparkling. Taking a chance to look at it. The silence stay, closing her eyes to listen the surroundings. Insects singing deep in forest. A water on infinity pool flowing. The wind blowing to the west. Plane boarding and landing in near airport.

Opening her blue eyes because she was disturb by an engine sounds. Who Was It? She frowned but decided to go inside of her room.
See You Next Chapter!

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