Chapter 9

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After a stressful day at work, you arrive home. Any energy you had had slowly dwindled into near exhaustion. But you remembered a weird text you received earlier on, only thinking of it as your mind playing tricks on you.

Your hand dove straight into your coat pocket, picking up your phone and reading who the newest message was from, Kenma. It wasn't like Kenma to text you early in the morning, but that wasn't what got you all wide-eyed. It was his confession that left you staring at the screen.

Maybe Kuroo took his phone and did this secretly? They're close friends. It wasn't a stretch to think that Kuroo would do that. But would he? And did he even have the time to do that?

There was very little doubt in your mind that it was Kuroo. The confession felt genuine.

So you replied to the very last line in the text, which asked said: it doesn't really matter if you feel the same or not, I just had to get it said and out of the way. Now, you could've wasted your remaining energy on writing a paragraph of your own emotions, but you just kept it simple. You did love Kenma, and you wanted to say that to him. That's what you did, giving a short and sweet response to him.

The only problem you had now was keeping it off your mind as you slept.


Physical affection was nothing you worried about, and if you knew someone long enough, you were happy to show it to others. Kenma wasn't all used to this.

You were the one to go to him, knocking on the front door to his house unexpectedly.

The minute Kenma opened the door, the two of you were red-faced.

But you felt brave, and you would soon show Kenma just how brave you were.

As soon as you entered the living area, you grabbed Kenma's sweater and turned him around to face you.

His eyes widened once you pulled him in quickly for a kiss. The heat and sudden shock sent both your faces red.

Was it a reckless thing to do? Yes, but both of you had confessed, so there was no problem. To you, at least, there was no problem.

"Sorry if you weren't ready for something like that. I just had to act on my feelings. I'll go now," you quickly say before moving to the door. But as you rushed to the door, Kenma grabbed at the sleeve of your coat.

Feeling the pull on your arm, you turn to Kenma, your face embarrassed and still red.

"Can I return what you gave to me?" Kenma asks shyly.

Sure, you were both adults, with anxiety over your trapped emotions. It was as if you went back in time and were a teenager again.

You gave Kenma a soft smile and replied, "if you need to act on how you feel for me, then I won't stop you,"

"You're the first person I've had these feelings for," Kenma explains, his hand softly caressing the skin of your face.

Kenma was a little hesitant to move his mouth closer to yours, but you keep patient. He was shaking a little, his fingers like feathers against your pink cheeks.

As his lips gently pressed onto yours, you felt a slight relief rush up from your toes to your head.

It was a short kiss, but it felt like it lasted forever. That was how you wanted it: something that would linger in your memories for as long as you wanted it to, or until the next kiss.

Were you moving too quick? Yes, but you wanted to get that small act out of the way, and you were sure that it must've made Kenma a bit relieved, too. His hands drop from your face.

As your lips pulled away, the sight of Kenma's face caught your attention. His face was red, and it was also such a sweet and cute sight.

But to Kenma, you looked like the most precious and cutest human on the planet.

Eye contact wasn't the easiest, but the two of you would have to get used to your new relationship.

"Does - does this mean we're a 'thing' now?" Kenma asks.

"Do you want us to be like that?" You respond.

"Kinda, do you?"

You smile, "I'd like us to be like that,"

You knew it was a bit too soon to take your actions further. But for now, it was fine. I love you would come later on when the two of you were more confident in saying those words.

"Okay, I'm going to go home and scream into a pillow," you announce as you walk to the front door, finally giving Kenma eye contact as you reach the front door. "I suppose I'll talk to you later," you say as you leave.

Kenma knew what you meant when you said 'later'. It was a night he was supposed to be streaming. And instead of being able to stream, his mind was going to be clouded by the thoughts of you.

Still, the thought of you possibly watching or joining him in the stream made him feel both elated and anxious.

None of his viewers knew the two of you lived close. One change in look or speech from Kenma could prompt a reaction from his fans.

But you never showed up in his chat or even joined Kenma's stream. You silently watched as you gamed, not wanting to distract him.

After all, the one thing that attracted you to Kenma was his face as he concentrated. Was it a bad thing that you were replaying the day's actions in your head, rethinking the words you said and how you acted? You could've sworn that Kenma was doing the same.

Even after being quiet in the chat, Kenma's concentration wasn't the best, and you couldn't blame him. Whenever frustration got to him, he would take a deep breath, close his eyes and calm himself down.

It was rare for Kenma to be so out of focus. But as his frustration grew, so did the redness on his cheeks.

This situation was all your fault, but it was a little fun to see Kenma act in a way you had never seen. I'm sure some of his friends were watching and were wondering what was wrong.

Apologizing wasn't an option that would mean taking back your admission. Maybe kissing him was a little bit cruel on streaming day, but oh well. If he's going to be like this every time you kissed, there'd be a problem.

'Your face is all red, is something wrong?' you asked teasingly.

Kenma glances at the screen and sees your comment. Again Kenma closes his eyes and calms down.

At this moment, chat knew it was you and questioned if you were being nice and sweet or sarcastic. You smiled smugly, knowing what you had done to Kenma.

Even after trying to calm himself down, Kenma's expression changes. He's not happy that he can't concentrate, and with you for asking him that question. Kenma knew what you were doing and decided to end his stream.

"I'm getting a little stressed, so I'm going to end things here and do something, other than streaming, that calms me down," Kenma says as he ends his stream.

As Kenma leaves the stream and turns everything off, a message from you pops up on his phone.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to send that, I just couldn't help it,'

Kenma's frustration simmers away as he sees your reply.

'I should've just cancelled earlier. You don't need to apologize,'

Any worry you had about before faded, replaced with relief as you read Kenma's message.

Your insides flutter with joy. Kenma loves you, and you love Kenma.

The bed pillows had been screamed into multiple times since you got home. All you could do now was sleep and remind yourself of the day's events.

Your Voice - Timeskip Kenma x  ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now