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Finn's POV
Tomorrow it's the day again, celebrating something that I'm not proud of. Dad decides to do it earlier, so he invites some friends and cousins to the house. Coming here is a mistake. Looking at the guests that start to fill up the living room, I take my car keys and head to the garage.

"Where you going son?"I hear my dad asking behind me when I slam the door against him and roar the engine.

It takes me 20 minutes to reach Austin's house. Another party held again, not surprise. When I open the front door, Austin greets me with a punch on my chest. "Happy Advanced Birthday mate! You're early. How's the party at home?"

I roll my eyes, "unnecessary". Someone passes me a plastic cup with drinks and I take a sip, and my throat burns instantly. Urgh.

"Well, you don't have a choice. Come on, you're here, just enjoy!" Austin chuckles and leaves me while I make my way to find a seat. The night is pretty much filled with people wishing me even when my face clearly shows that I want to be alone, I don't even know some of them and they're probably wishing because they see others did it. I mean, it's just birthday after all. And it's not even here yet, it's only 11.00pm. It's going to be a long night.

Few moments later, people start rushing inside the house, and it turns out it's pouring outside. The more people inside the house, the more people sending me wishes, until one point I decide that maybe standing under the rain is better than sitting inside the house.

When I'm on my way to the front door, someone bumps into me. A girl who's completely soaked is now standing infront of me, and because of how wet her dress is, my clothes actually got wet by just bumping into her.

"Can you at least watch where you're going."I snap.

Because of her height, she has to raise her head a little to look at me. "I...I'm sorry."
Her eyes looked puffy, and I'm certain that it's not because of the rain, obviously. But that's not my business. Another heart broken girl. But I'm pretty sure she has never been part of my social circle. Is she new?

"Can I...borrow your phone? Just a while, please?" She pleads.

I frown,"You don't come into some random place and ask people for phone, lady. It's a No, by the way."

Her eyes become teary again. Oh no, not this kind of drama again. I sigh. I'm so sick of crying girls.

"Please, just a while. Please don't go. I don't know anyone here." She pleads further.

A small chuckle leave my mouth, more like laughing at myself, oh how familiar is the line.

"Well, you don't know me either." I shrug.

"Okay then...I'm sorry." She sobs and turns into the front door and walks into the rain.

I'm gonna get myself changed now, probably I can get some new shirt from Austin's room, or any other guest rooms. I take another glance of the girl again. Instead of walking in the rain, she squats in the pavement and burry her face in her knees, and now people from the house is looking at her and judging her.

People never stopped judging. As usual.

I sigh and instead of heading to the room, I head to her and drag her shoulder, making her stand. "Come with me."

"Huh?Wh-what?" She looked confused.

I don't even bother to answer her but just force her into the house and into one of the guest room. I search for a new shirt and a short pant in the wardrobe without bothering the size and toss at her. Austin always leaves new clothes inside all the wardrobes of the guest rooms, which I'm glad he does that.

"I think it's better for you to change." I look at her, somehow her rose gold dress is kind of see through at certain parts after all the rain and the thought of guys in this house being horny and needy sicken me.

"I'm okay with my dress." She replies, failing to hide her soft sobs in between.

"I'm not asking you. Just so you know." I snap.

She looks at me,"Can I have some privacy please?"

"Don't bother, I need to change as well. I'll face that side while changing." I grab a black T shirt from the wardrobe and a knee length black pant.

"Urmmm, okay."

After changing, I toss my wet blouse into a corner. I want to take her dress but she refuses. "Don't tell me you're keeping that."

"I am." She replies softly. "Can I borrow your phone please?"

"Where's your own?" I snap again.

"I left it in my house, and I don't have my wallet with me so I can't take Uber."

"So you're saying that you come into some random house full of drunk guys and girls that you don't know of, without phones and wallets." I laugh, how stupid is she to think that it's safe for her.

"Yes." She whispers. Oh she and her whispering game.

I take out my phone and pass it to her.

She sends a text to a number then she hands me back my phone. "Thank you."

"So you leaving now?" I ask.

"Huh? Can I stay for a while more, it might take a while for my friend to come and pick me up."

"Whatever." I turn and leave. When I open the door, someone was making out right infront of the doorway, they turn to look at me, and before they can say Happy Birthday to me, I slam the door shut.

Fuck my birthday.

I look at my watch. 11.59pm.

"Happy Birthday..."The girl who's in her black T now, and who's sitting on the bed now, whispers.

I look at her in disbelief, "How do you..."

Before I finish my sentence,

she continues, "to myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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