The Writing On The Wall.

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*Yawn* wow, already morning" I said. I looked over at my clock, woah! Definitely not, 1:00. I knew I should've went to bed earlier.
Grabbing my phone I get up from bed, slide my shoes on and out the door I go. My roommate is out of town this week. I think she said she was going with friend to? Where did she say again? I can't remember something that started with a S. It will come to me later probably.
I slide past the counter to get to the fringe, opening it I look up and down too see if we have anything "awe man, I'm starving! " I said in a disappointed voice. We have LITTERLY nothing. "Well off to the store I go.."
I went to put my close I had in my closet and grabbed my jacket. Then I walked out side, "woah," I held my hands over my face That sun is bright" I said. I guess I never noticed how long it has been since I have been out side. Is there something wrong with me? I don't have time to worry about this. I got into my car put the keys in and took off.
About 15 minutes later I got back, I walked inside the house. I cooked some eggs and some bacon. And sat at the table. Right when I sat down there was a nock at the door. "Ugh, I wonder who that is?" I said. I hopped up and went for the door. I opened it, a book? Who nocks on a door and just leaves a book? I picked it up looked around to see if I could see some random kids playing with me, but there was no one. So I walked back inside closing the door behind me.
I put the book down on the counter and went back to eating, I grabbed my phone from beside me and started to look through TikTok. Scrolling and mindlessly eating I stopped dead. And started to read 'Guys! I met "ranboo" today! But he was acting weird.."
"Ranboo? Weird that sounds awfully familiar." I said. Maybe I used to watch him or something? YouTube? Was it an old TikTok account? I went down to grab a piece of egg again and noticed I ate everything l. So I got up and headed for the sink. I put my dish down and headed for my room to lay down.
I sat down on my bed thinking about that word, "Ranboo" I said.. "it sounds so familiar" I didn't even notice, after thinking about it so much I drifted off.

Two: The Dream
I tripped over, I can't move. It was getting closer and closer to me a shadow, a fade what was it? I stopped, dead in it's tracks, BO- "AHHHH" I woke up I sudden terror. A-a-a- dream? I was breathing heavily. I never have night terrors much, especially not like this one. It was in my attic. My dark scary attic. I remember I back up and then I hit the ground and it just started to chase me. There's a was book that was there too. When I went in the attic a book. The bench- I don't remember the rest but, it seemed so familiar.
Maybe it was a sign? Was there something up in my attic just waiting for me to come up? I got up from my bed and walked out of my room and walked in the bathroom. I sat at the sink looking at my self in the face. I got some col water a splashed it all over my face maybe so I would wake up, maybe this was a dream? No, this was only the start to a nightmare.
I walked in the laundry room and looked up, staring at the door to the attic. I carefully pulled it and it creeked.a pile of dust feel down when that ladder came down and a bunch of dead spiders. I haven't been up here for ages. Everything smelled old, looked old, and looked antic. Boxed lining the walls with a couple shelf's with more boxes. That's when some thing caught my eye, a book, a book with the word bench I hurried over to it grabbing it I wiped the dust off. "Bench Trio, I read out loud. A man with whit and black on, another with a red and white shirt, and another one wearing yellow with a little speech bubble "Bees! OMG I love bees!!" With the title 'Bee Boy' this was a big book of pictures of all the DSMP members.. I let out a little laugh and smiled it made me happy too look back at this all. then I looked over in the box to see if there was any more. A flag? It was bundled up in a perfect fold it was red, white, yellow, blue, and black. A pin feel over beside my foot I looked down and picked it up. I read out loud "l'manburg"
That when it came too me who "Ranboo" was. Bee Boy, Innit, and who they all where.i can't believe I forgot about all of this. I feel like I have always been forgetting something, was this it? Taking the book and flag I climbed down the ladder and headed for my room. I sat down at my desk with my computer and looked up "Ranboo twitch streamer" I wonder if he still does twitch? I mean it's been 10 years, I'm 20 now so he would be like 30. Once it finally loaded a bunch of articles came up but one caught my eye with the title of "What happens to the famous person, RanbooLive?" Did some thing happen? Did he disappear? I instantly clicked it and started reading it.
Reading it was mostly just talking about how he was apart of a bench Trio and DSMP and l'manburg, but that when I got to a part that I never wanted to hear. "This past month, the month of January 2, 2022 Ranboo has been said to be missing." I read. But it's now January 10th so is he still missing? I started to read fast, I was worried, the person who saved my life could be missing, or even worse dead. That's when I got to a part that honestly changed my life, for the worst. It rad at the top "latest update was on January 9th" yesterday.. I started to read. " So as you are reading this it's probably going to be a few days from now but I would rather say this than say nothing.. Ranboo was found dead. Cause of death unknown. He was found in the front kitchen police think it was a close friends to him.." a picture was attached so I decided to open it. Things where every where around the room, writing on the wall, "Do they know?" "We found it" "No one read it" everything is fine." I had to click out of it. I can't.. I can't look at it any longer.
I then looked over to read more "the main thing they found on the scene was a flag, a ripped flag with- I stopped and looked down. Praying that it wasn't what I thought it was- red, white, yellow, blue, and black. I turned my chair around crying slowly. I felt pathetic, I didn't even remember him and now he's dead? This has to be a dream, this is all a dream. Every thing will be ok. That was when I heard some thing drop off my fall I took my hands off my eyes and looked down at my feet. "The pin.. " I said looking at it "l'manburg". That's when I looked up to see the flag hanging on my wall with words writer on it "Don't read the Book at the door" I then looked over where I THOGUHT the one n came from, the book, the book that was at my door it was laying on the floor with arrows every where.
There's no way. No way any of this is true. It has to be a dream I looked at my computer screen the picture on the article was opened up. Then all the lights in my room want off I found my self sitting in the room with no lights on, nothing. Just me staring at the picture reading the writing on the walls.. do I read the book? Or do I listen to the writing..

Credits to Relish on Pinterest for the cover! 

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