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11:03 pm
Elevator 3
Vantae fashion house

"Have you ever met the boss?"

That question alone was enough to make Taehyung's throat run dry, as his mind ran at the speed of a f1 car to find a possible way out of this.

"I-uh yeah. I've..met him before." He said, mentally cringing at his awkward pausing.

He couldn't have said no. His cover was that he worked for the leadership department after all.

He just had to manage not to screw this up for tonight, and then he can think of the rest later.

"Really? What's he like? I've heard bits and pieces here and there, but I'm really not sure what to expect tomorrow." She sheepishly laughed, tugging at her sleeve as he tried to play it as cool as possible.

"Well uh you know. He's just like every boss. Strict and diligent, but tries not to overwork his emplo-" he spoke but was cut off by a unbelieving remark from the woman across, as he rose an eyebrow.

"What?" He asked confused, as she only chuckled further.

"Come on Taehyung, he's not here we can be real here at least." She laughed, as he still didn't seem to understand.

"What do you mean, I am being real?" He questioned through her chuckles as she only cast him a questioning glance.

"Is it different for the leadership department? Must be...Ah well. In the artistic divisions at least, Vantae is known for overworking everyone. Although the benefits are great, the workload literally has everyone working overtime every week." She smiled as he dropped his jaw. 

"REALLY?" He asked genuinely, louder than desired as he quickly cleared his throat.

"Mhm. But there's still a high demand in these jobs due to the employee benefits." She laughed, as he looked at her incredulously.

"Is that why you took this job?" He questioned, because that would've been a sad reality.

He wanted his directors to be passionate about what they did, and although the working conditions should weigh in, he believed it shouldn't be the first priority when applying to this position.

So to see a new director who he had personally hired after looking at her portfolio, it would've been painful to hear the reality.

"Me? Ah no. I mean although the employee benefits are a luxury, it wouldn't have been my goal. I've always been into fashion, and my dream job is to be the artistic director of a brand one day.  Vantae especially called out to me because of the brands image, and so, despite it being in another country I packed up and moved." She explained, staring at the elevator wall in front of her as she did so.

"Ah.. I see." He remarked, not being able to say anything more as he put on a soft smile, fiddling with the sleeve on his shirt.

"So tell me more about our boss. I have to meet him tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to it." She laughed, as he grew curious.

"Why not?" Taehyung asked, a little perplexed.

"Haven't you heard the rumours. Apparently he's really cold, and even if your work is good, if your personality doesn't seem nice then you're fired. He apparently is very particular about the smallest of details, and very meticulous at that." Jennie answered, faking a shudder at the mention of the cruelties.


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