The Stabbed Back

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  • Dedicated to Jo

A pair of friends, who loved each other like sisters, they used to do everything together until that day, that outraged day. They promised to be forever together no matter what happen. In a blink of an eye years passed and they became distant. Why? Because one of them used the other one and when she notice she was being used by her "friend" she refused to believe it. I believe you'd be asking yourself what am I talking about. Well, a simple way to describe it is that she was her friend by convenience as she stabbed her back with the knife of treason. You never expect that from your friends, do you?

She lied, yes she did. She just won't stop lying! I knew she wouldn't but I always had a little hope in her. Now, I shouldn't trust her. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. I thought she was my friend. Ok, calm down, calm down. I used to have my boyfriend, I "used" because she used my friendship to reach him and take him away from me. She said he wasn't the right guy, that she was sorry about what she did. BUTSHE KILLED HIM! SHE KILLED MY BOYFRIEND! I remember when I told her I was getting married, she just had a nervous breakdown, she cried, she refused to believe it. I thought she was going to be happy. But now I understand! She was in love with him, I believe so.

She... She couldn't marry him. I was her friend her whole life. I couldn't stand that she was getting married. I hated him. He always got her attention. I was mad. I did it for a good reason. I wasn't just losing my friend, I was losing the love of my life. Yes, I loved her. I discovered it when she got her boyfriend. I was lesbian and no one could ever understood how much I loved her. So one day, I went to her boyfriend's house, she was in there, I run into him when I saw her with him. I stabbed him. I stabbed him multiple times in the back. She screamed, she cried. I cried trying to explain to her what happened, but she wouldn't believe me. I have lost my best friend, I lost my love. But the most important thing, I've lost her trust.

Yesterday, she suicide. She couldn't manage the situation. You don't need the who nor the why. You just need to know what love does. But what is to love? Is it giving everything? even your life? I know you'll have to think it twice. Does love even exists? In my opinion, it does exists but not forever. So, now, ask yourself. Can you trust in the ones around you? Can you trust in your "best friends"?

"Be careful of those who pat you on the back. They might be looking for a soft spot to plant the knife." -Unknown

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