Kacchan's teacher

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****Authors note: Ok so I don't really like calling him Kacchan its either Bakugou or Katsuki. So throughout this point he's referred to as Bakugo but because of Reader-Chan. She will continue to call him Kacchan. ********

When Bakugou's class returned we were encouraged to walk in groups or pairs because of what had happened to class 1-A

I ran to Bakugou when they arrived.

"Kacchan, are you ok? I heard what happen during your trip."

"Fuck off Im fine."

"What about your classmates are they ok?"

"Yeah we're all fine.... Except for the teacher he was rushed to the hospital."

"Oh no! Is he's going to be ok?"

"He got badly injured fighting a nomu before All Might and the other hero's got there but we were told he'd be fine."

YN: "What's a nomu?"

Bakugou: "That's what the villains called him, all I know is he was crazy strong even All Might had trouble fight him off."

YN: "Even All Might? That's scary... What's your teachers quirk?"

Bakugou:" he can erases quirks."

YN:"That's pretty cool well I hope he's ok. We should walk home together ok?"


As we're walking home.

"Hey Kacchan, do you remember when I kicked your ass during preschool hahah."

"Huh!? NO THAT'S NOT HOW IT HAPPEN I WAS GOING EASY ON YOU." He blushed of embarrassment

YN:" You know.. your teacher looks kinda familiar doesn't he? I think he was one of the Highschool students that broke up the fight. Remember how we suddenly stopped using our quirks?"

Bakugou:"........ You think it was him?"

"There were two others remember? one of them looks like Present Mic, Then there was a super cute one too. I wonder if he works at the school too." I blush feeling my cheeks turn hot O////O .

Bakugou glared and pointed out how dumb I looked. He walked me to the door step of my home.

"... be careful on your way home " I said.

"Yeah sure." He walked away.

*****Couple weeks after the sports festival ****

"Mr. Aizawa-Sensei." I called out to him.

"Yes? You're Bakugou's friend from calls 1-B right? What do you need?"

"Well It's kinda an odd question but I was curious about something that happened 8-9 years ago."

"Hm? What is it."

"A long time ago did you stop a group of pre-schools from fighting?? It's just that I remember during that time I wasn't able to use my quirk.  Kacchan says you can erase people's quirks.... So I thought maybe that was you.."

We had his full attention at that point...
"Kacchan? I believe I do remember that." Softly hits both our heads

"So that was You and Bakugou?" He asked

I hold the top of my head

"What the hell don't touch me." Bakugou barked

"Yeah and One of them was Present Mic right? but who was the other guy? He had a bandaid on his nose and like cloudy white or baby blue hair." I asked blushing a bit.

Aizawa sensei face expensive changed a bit.

"Oboro Shirakumo."

My eyes sparkled a bit. "That's his name?? Where is he now?" Still blushing.

"....." he didn't say anything almost like he wanted to avoid the topic.

Bakugou: "I get it, come on let's go Loser."

"Huh? But why?." I asked.

"let's go I'll explain to you later." Bakugou guided me away  

"Look idiot." Once we were away from Aizawa, "something bad must of happened to him it didn't look like he wanted to talk about it."

Bakugou is really smart I didn't realize Aizawa sensei expression changed.

"Don't say that! Maybe he retired young?" I tried to reassure him

"Don't be stupid he would have said so. Something must have happened to him and Aizawa didn't want to talk about it. Seriously you really are that dumb?"

".....It's so silly, I brought it up because I had a silly crush on that guy with cloudy hair  since that day and now I made your teacher remember something terrible."
I said regretting the convo.

"How could you have known? You saw the other  two around the campus and assumed Shirakumo was OK
there's no point in feeling bad. Just don't mention it again." This was the first time Kacchan had said something comforting to me.

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