Called Upon/ A Second Gone

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Dedicated to my beautiful mother Lisa on her birthday Feb 24th 2022

This is for a writing contest hosted by sapphire_pages_the autumn leaves contest!

Note:D Read the story out loud.

West Virginia 1954 Sometime in May

Chapter 1 A Second Gone

Linda dashed down Mayfield street, just two blocks away from Haven Of Hope orphanage; yes! She was almost home.
Her hair flew dancing, and her shin high dress bounced.
Linda hadn't done any misdeed, she'd just done straight justice.
Home came into sight, the biggest brick building right at the edge of Saint Paul street that hedged the shops.
Her feet quickened on the smooth concrete sidewalk.
The orphanage was foreboding to others but home to Linda.
The wee morning hours were over, and her jaunt for justice had been wrought; now for breakfast.

"Linda!" Her feet skidded to a halt, mother had caught her.
There at the threshold was mother Betty's petite figure.
"Yes ma'am- what is it?"
Breathless, and now trapped, her excitement waned.

"Today's cannin day!"
Linda refrained hanging her head as she neared the huge maple wood doors.
"What were ya doin dear, you were up and at it quite early?"
Mother Betty's skin was deeply suntanned, and maybe just a tad leather looking; but she was mother no matter what.
"I taught that Jimmy not to steal."
Linda furrowed her brow, recalling how hard she'd smacked his hand.
"Not you're place."
Mother gave her a stern glance before pulling the big doors shut.
Linda disagreed completely, Jimmy was always stealing, sometimes just for the fun of it.

To the right was the study, door shut of course, and to the left a brick archway entering a spotless parlor.
Nobody wanted her, so she seldom was called into the parlor.
"Is aunty Margaret cannin today?"
Mother strode along the dark wooden floor, Linda at her heels.
"I believe so, aunt Shirley's upstairs with them youngins kicking the dust devils out the window, an aunt Nancy's doin washin with the older one's in the broiler room."

Linda suddenly found herself in the sweltering heat of the kitchen. The air felt grimy, humid and...well she mustn't whine, at least aunt Margaret was here.

Light from a mini window above the sink spread across, illuminating the two wood cooking stoves near the brick wall.
The suns rays made the brick mesmerizing.
"Linda, what've you been doing up at such hours? None of us saw you in morning call."
Aunt Margaret's voice was youthful and inviting.
"I went to tell Jimmy to quit stealin."
Aunt Margaret capped the last jar, turned her torso and stared with her deep blue eyes into Linda's dirt brown.
"Little miss, don't sugar coat it, what'd you do ta that boy?"
Aunty gave her two tall round sterilized jars and nodded to bowls in rows along the counter.

"I hit his hand with a stick."
Aunt Margaret had scarcely opened her mouth to ask another question, when shrieks and a blood curdling scream erupted.
Startled, Aunty dropped the cans lid.

"Mother! Aunt Shirley!"
Aunt Shirley peeked over the landing as she raced down, dress swishing and golden hair loose.
The older kids couldn't get the rest out for terror but all knew what they meant.
Aunt Shirley gained momentum, flying past Aunt Margaret.
"Marge, call the doctor!"

Linda hurried past the basement door to the steamy broiler room.
The screams ebbed away as aunt Shirley went in.
She couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl, but the immense sound of pain was recognizable.
Linda heard a gasp, stopping her in her tracks outside the narrow door.
Aunt Shirley's plumb stature blocked her view, and Linda took a couple steps away from the entrance not wanting to glimpse the child.
Mother Betty sailed by, low point heels clicking as she went.
"How bad?"
Aunt Shirley was bent over the body, letting only a black lace up boot be seen.
Mother got on her knees on the dirt floor of the boiler room next to aunt Shirley,
Both ladies turned to each other and mother shook her head slowly.
Time was a blur for Linda after that.
Mother and aunt Shirley talked in quiet tones to the child, doing something at the same time; but she couldn't see what exactly.

The doctor arrived, looking like any person, except he was carrying a black leather bag.
The thin door was shut to the broiler room, leaving the rest outside herded away by aunt Nancy.
Linda was rooted to the floor, all the commotion and murmuring behind her in the long hallway escaped her ears, dread making her heavy.

The crooked door finally swung open, once again only revealing the two elders and middle aged doctor.
As they lifted the scalded child, aunt Margaret came from the rear and covered Linda's face.
"She's gone, no use lookin."
Linda stood rock still, she didn't want to anyway, she'd seen what it looked like before.
When the clacking of heels became faint, aunt Marge drew her hand away.
This was the second accident in the broiler room this year.
Linda was stunned, the aunts and mother had already prayed it wouldn't happen again, but why, why did it?
She grew woozy, maybe aunt Margaret was wrong, maybe the child wasn't dead.
Linda remembered to take a breath, coming to her senses when muffled sobbing broke out behind her.
Her voice was shaky and her body trembled but Linda knew she must inquire.
"Who was it?"
Aunt Nancy's voice cracked.
"Your sister Linda."

Don't forget to vote:D it truly is appreciated, may you all be blessed and I pray you enjoy.

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