Awen x Orbulon

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On a cold Winter afternoon Awen was walking home from his job at the 7/11. It sure was chilly outside today, Awen wished he had the month of December off. Canada was far to cold to be outside in weather like this, also it was so close to Christmas. Couldn't his job be a little considerate? Today was December 2nd, and Awen was pretty bummed out nobody had given him their sweater yet. He only had one day left to receive a sweater from someone who deeply cared for him. As he was walking home that's when he noticed someone on the opposite side of the sidewalk from him. He looked over and waved. The man was short and white like a piece of paper. He had some sort of strange shape on his head, what was it? He had on a black cape, it was kinda adorable honestly. Despite the fact that the sun had practically gone down, the small man was wearing sunglasses. Awen, curious as to who this man was, waved at him and began to walk across the street towards him. "Uh hey there, I'm Awen and uh who are you?" "Greetings, I am Orbulon," the small man responded. Awen looked to see some sort of pink pig looking vehicle beside him. "So are you having car troubles, er spaceship troubles?" This wasn't the first spaceship Awen had seen, but that was a story for another time. "Well as a matter of fact I am. My ship crashed and it is in need of a repair." Awen thought for a second how he could help. He then remembered he had tools at home. "Well I might have some tools at home if you wanna-"
"Might I accompany you home then, human?" The small man interrupted. Awen turned red and nodded his head yes. They walked home in silence, and for reasons Awen couldn't explain, he felt a deep connection with this man he had only  just met. They began to talk and Orbulon explained how he had crashed here and Awen, in return, explained his goals of becoming a famous beatboxer, he was just working at 7/11 to afford better equipment. Orbulon admired Awen's ambition, and this made Awen giddy like a little kid again. They arrived at Awen's home, Orbulon tugged his spaceship inside. Awen dug through his drawers, man he really needed to clean. He hoped Orbulon didn't mind the mess. Finally he found it, his father's tool box. Orbulon grabbed the box, and looked at the name written on it in sharpie, "Who is Ronald?" He asked. "Oh, he was my father. He died a couple years back trying to raid Area 51." Awen said with a sigh. "I am terribly sorry to here that, I lost my cousin to Area 51 so I know how you feel. He was captured and imprisoned." They talked for hours and then they eventually fell asleep. Awen woke up first and saw Orbulon laying on the floor, realizing it wasn't a dream, he looked over at his wall clock, he then looked at his phone because he didn't know how to read clocks. It was 9 AM, he stood up and went to find something from his closet. Orbulon woke up an hour later a little disoriented, he then remembered what had happened and smiled. He looked up to see Awen holding something, a sweater. It was dark grey and had the words "Dawn We Now Our Gay Apparel" written on it in rainbow letters. Orbulon tilted his head, "What's this for?" Awen sat beside him and said, "Well on Earth it's kind of a tradition to give a sweater to someone you really care about on December 3rd. I know we just met but I really care about you and I'd be really happy if you would uh take my sweater." Orbulon sat in silence. "Yeah this is stupid, never mind. You don't gotta take-" Awen was abruptly cut off as Orbulon grabbed the sweater and put it on. It was very baggy on him because Awen was much taller, he found it adorable however. Orbulon reached over and hugged Awen. "You mean a lot to me as well," Orbulon said. Awen hugged him back.

                         The Freaking End

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