Stage 1: deny the fact that you are about to be up all night

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Stage 1 starts right when i'm going to bed.
I ignore the fact that i ran out of my medicine and pretend that i'm actually going to fall asleep so i get into bed close my eyes and try to sleep knowing full well its not going to happen.
after about 30-45minutes i give up on sleeping and trying to mentally prepare myself. I start by going on my phone still in a laying down position lights are still off and it still is like a normal night. i scroll TikTok for a while and on a normal night i would start to get tired but not tonight so an hour passes of me being on my phone, and once again i deny the fact that i will be staying up all night and having multiple breakdown and try to go to sleep again.


during stage 1 I am still mentally stable but from here it just gets worse (and funnier if your not me having to go through this)

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