Chapter 1

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As the moon hovered high in the sky the stars shone brightly forming a vast ever growing cloak of speckles amongst the darkness. The glimmering nightlights faintly illuminated your room to through the small chink between the fabric of the saffron curtains casting a cool glow over your bed.


You were suddenly forcefully ripped away from your land of comfort and dreams  as you leapt up to your feet.  Awakened by the sound of something hitting the floor and glass shattering from down below.  You grabbed the nearest item to you which happened to be a metallic water bottle, it wasn't ideal but could deal out a serious blow to the head.  Wrapping your fingers around the bottles neck you flipped it upside down and held the waterlogged weapon like a miniature baseball bat as you crept down the stairs in your pajamas. Approaching your living room you heard a low voice groan and utter the word "Shit"
As you began to close in on the room noticed it was still in darkness bar two small lights a couple inches off the floor. You reached over and flicked the light switch. The yellowed beams presented you with a scrawny looking man face planted on the floor infront of your computer. Surrounded by shattered glass.

"Owwww....." he groaned trying to get the knocked over office chair off his back. "Where the hell am I?" he added as he looked up at you, feeling dazed as blood flowed down from his nose and over his lips. His large white eyes in contrast with his narrow features gave him an almost innocent look. Coming back to his senses his expression widned im shock "I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble." He spluttered out in panic. "How the hell did you get in here?" You demanded. "I-I'm not sure.." he replied Truthfully his demeanour made him seem like a confused child who had lost their parents.

He sat up properly with his legs infront of him, grimacing as crystal shards burried themselves within his skin. Looking up from the man on the ground you noticed your computer desk was completely trashed. The monitor was pushed all the way back, the keyboard hung off the edge  of the table by its wire, the mouse was on the floor along with a shattered mug and your dinky little office chair. "Stay there." You instructed as you went to the kitchen.

Rummaging through the cabinets it felt like you could find everything but what you needed. It was only once you had made a mess that you managed to dig out some first aid supplies. Upon returning to the living room you helped the man up and sat him down on the couch. Gently you took one of his pale arms into your hand causing him to wince in pain. "Hold still" you instructed. Pulling out a pair of tweezers you began to pluck out the larger shards of glass causing thick crimson blood to flow free. The intruders eyes seemed to stare with both curiosity and wonder as you applied a disinfectant to a cloth and wiped it away. "What does that do?" He questioned. "The spray?" You replied. He nodded. "Disinfects the injury, means it won't get worse." "I see...sorry for breaking your stuff." He apologised once again. "At least it was just a mug" you remarked. Despite that on the inside you were angry at him for causing such a commotion, alas nothing could be changed now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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