"you're hiding a dark secret, but you're talking in your sleep"

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Bright sun filtered through the leaves as they swayed in the wind. Pops of colorful flowers stood in the field next to the forest. The purples and reds standing out against the mass of green. Every once in a while the bleat of a sheep, or the moo of a cow could be heard.

It was peaceful. Tommy missed this.

His life hadn't felt peaceful ever since he died in the prison, what with Wilbur coming back, and everyone moving on without him. Yet, today was calm, peaceful even.

He continued along the dirt path that led into the frozen tundra where tubbo and ranboo lived. Their mansion had been finally finished so they invited him over to stay the night. He sighed and continued on his way.

The mansion. Was. huge. Of course he was expecting a big house, what with them calling it a mansion and all, but holy shit. He suddenly felt very small standing next to the large entryway, the big wooden door loomed over him like- he shook his head. He didn't want to think about that...

Tommy hadn't told Tubbo or Ranboo about what happened in exile, or about the prison either. The trauma had lasting effects of course, and no matter how much he wished or tried, Tommy could never get rid of those memories. That was a whole other thing in itself.

Tommy shook himself out of his thoughts and knocked on the large spruce wood door. He could've sworn he heard an echo, when the door opened. A small head with fluffy brown hair and large sheep-like horns poked through the gap. A grin grew on Tubbos face upon seeing him,

"Tommy!!" He opened the door the rest of the way, "Come on in! Come on in!" The doorway entered into a large room with staircases that spiralled onto the ledge of what he assumed was the second floor. A large chandelier hung down from the ceiling, illuminating the room with a warm yellow light. Tall windows helped illuminate the room, half-covered by dark royal purple curtains. It was beautiful, the peaceful feeling from the field returned. Tommy released a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all, he turned towards Tubbo and smiled.

"How the hell did you get this?" Tubbo grabbed Tommy's arm and dragged him across the room,

"Ranboo's money." he mentioned it casually, as if this was a normal day for him. Tommy gave him a disbelieving look, and Tubbo continued, "Come on big man, we got a tour to do!"


The sun was starting to set when Tubbo and Tommy walked back into the kitchen. There stood Ranboo, making what seemed to be soup.
"Ayup, Ranboob!" Tommy slapped him on the back, earning a surprised yelp from the enderman.

"Hey Tommy," he replied timidly, "finished with the tour huh? How do you like the place?" Tommy grinned,

"It's fuckin' huge man, how the hell did you get this place?" Tommy threw his arms up into the air, and Ranboo chuckled


"He's a fuckin' millionaire, big man." Tubbo interrupted. He grabbed Ranboo's shoulder and pointed his finger at him. "Baby got bank."

"Well I-" Ranboo was interrupted again, as Micheal wandered into the room clutching his chicken plush. His little jumper and bee shirt stood out against pink skin.

"Dads?" They all turned towards Micheal as Tubbo walked over and picked him up,

"Hey little guy," they bumped heads, "you hungry?" Micheal nodded and Tubbo put him down. Grabbing several bowls, Ranboo walked over to the pot and started filling them up with soup. Handing one to Tommy and Tubbo, then taking the last two and walking over to the table.

"you're hiding a dark secret, but you're talking in your sleep"Where stories live. Discover now