Puyo Puyo in Space (Chapter 16): Arle, Jay, and Elle screwing around

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Tee was pacing around the ship frantically.

"Oh man oh man oh man-"

"Tee, calm down," said Risukuma. "What's going on?"

"Well, I don't know for sure," Tee said. "But I've got a pretty good idea of what's going on here, and I don't like it."

"You're being really vague," Arle said. "Like, needlessly so."

"I'm sorry ok?" Tee said, freaking out a little. "This just has the potential to be really really bad."

"I don't remember Arle calling out people so much," Ringo whispered to Maguro.

"Must be a new thing," he whispered back.

"Are you ok with explaining the problem?" Risukuma asked.

"Uhh, hold on," Tee said, running outside. "Come here O!"


Everyone watched as O flew out the door confusedly.

"Does anyone know what's going on?" Risukuma asked, getting frustrated. When Risukuma wasn't provided with answers, he tended to get pretty testy.

"I'm...not sure either," Ai said.

"Heck if I know," Ess said nonchalantly.

Risukuma looked over at Jay and Elle, who were playing ping pong with Arle.

"What?" they said. "We don't know."

At least Arle was having a good time. Ping pong didn't exist in her dimention, so this was her first time playing. For someone who had never played before, she was pretty decent. It wasn't enough though; she was still getting spanked by Jay and Elle. Again, this is basically all they do.

"Jeez, why are you guys so good at this game?" Arle asked.

"It's basically all we do," Elle said. "Didn't you read the last paragraph?"

Arle tossed her paddle aside. "Welp, I'm bored. What can we do now?"

"We could show you our room!" Elle suggested.

"Uhh, you forgot to ask someone," Jay said.

"Ohh, you guys have to share a room? That sucks," Arle said. "Anyways, I would rather get something to eat, I'm starving."

"Hmm, I wouldn't mind eating," said Jay. "Too bad nobody around here takes credits."

"What currency do they have here?" Arle asked.


"Oh, I have those!" Arle said. "We can go grab something to eat!"

"Yay!" Jay and Elle cheered.

At this point, everyone else had left the recreational room, so Jay, Elle, and Arle, just hopped on the teleporter in the next room and zapped away.

They popped up behind the school.

"Ahh, here we are!" Arle said. "It's nice to get out of that stuffy ship."

"Agreed," said Jay. "So where are we going?"

"I dunno; let's just look around until we find a place."

They did, in fact, walk around until they came upon a large building. The building was labelled "grocery store".

"That place looks pretty good," said Arle.

"Alright let's go let's go!" Jay and Elle cheered.

They walked around in the store for a while, before coming upon the snack isle. Arle had never seen such a colorful assortment of food before. She scooped up as much as she could and started looking around for a place to purchase the snacks. She walked up to someone and asked them: "Where do I go to buy these?"

The person replied: "Oh, right over there," pointing to a line of people.

Arle sighed, she didn't want to wait in line, but it was worth it for the snacks, she guessed.

After waiting in line for a while, Arle payed for her things and left. Jay and Elle were getting really excited about trying the new food.

"Can we open it?" Elle asked.

"Not yet," Arle said. "Let's wait until we get back to the ship."

After the gang had teleported back to the ship, they dumped their bag on the floor of the recreational room. Zed walked up, a disapproving look on his face.

"Don't tell me that you are going to eat all that."

"Yup! We are," said Arle.

"Don't you know how unhealthy those things are?"

"Yeah, I do. Don't care," Arle said, ripping open a bag and stuffing her face.

"Please be careful putting so much food in your mouth, you might choke."

"Jeez, is this robot guy always such a killjoy?" Arle asked with a mouthful of food.

"Please keep your mouth closed when you are chewing."

"Yeah," Jay said, opening a bag of his own.

Arle finally swallowed her big mouthful of food. "Aah! That's good stuff."

"Agreed!" said Elle.

Arle put a hand on her stomach, she felt a rising pressure.

"BRAAAP," Arle belched out loud. "*Sigh* that was nice."

Jay and Elle stared at Arle in shock.

"What?" Arle said. "Never heard a burp before?"

Zed slowly turned his head to look at Arle.

"You're screwed," said Jay.

Zed started chasing Arle. "Bad manners alert. Bad manners alert."

"What?!" Yelled Arle. "Bad manners alert? Why do you even have one of those?"

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