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"I'll pay you $3 to eat it"
"No way in hell Mike"
"Well you just lost $3"
"I wouldn't eat that for $100. It will probably poison me"

"How was your day?" he asked me
"Uneventful" I say dully
"Oh come on! Something had to happen"
"Really nothing happened"
*nothing I want to tell him about at least*
"Well why are you always here?" I say to change the topic
"My dad owns the place. Him and his best friend work here so my siblings and I always come here when we get out of school"

We talk for hours until I realize it's dark outside.

"I have to go home now"
"Really?" he says disapointed
"Yeah I have to be home for dinner"
"Well then let me walk you home"
"You really don't need to do that"
"It's 7:00 at night I'm not letting you walk home alone"
"Whatever but my mom can't see you, she'll never let me live it down"

We start to walk out of the diner and my heart is racing. This is a new feeling, one I've never felt before.

We walk down 2 streets and then it starts to down pour on us. Mike starts to run back to the diner, but I stop.

"Mike I have to go home"
"I'll get you home I promise but for now we have to go back and get something"

I start to run after him but can't keep up. He looks back and runs over to me to put me on his back.

He carried me back to the like I weighed nothing. He never slowed down and never took a break.

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