Chapter 4

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"He showed back up, and that was the only time I saw my mother get angry and cry," he said sadly. "Back then I didn't understand what was going on, but later I understood that he was asking for my mother to give me up because he and my stepmother couldn't have children and they wanted someone of their blood to inherit the agency. Even though I wasn't her child, she had no choice but to agree to deal with me. However, my mother refused to give me up and that led to a custody case she lost. After that I rarely saw her until I just never saw her again." he said pained making Heather place a soothing hand on his lap." When I was brought to live with my father, things changed so dramatically. Suddenly I was surrounded by people who would smile at me but let me know every day I didn't belong, especially my stepmother. She has a silver tongue she doesn't filter especially when it comes to me. She let me know every day that I was a mistake and that I was only there because it benefited them." he sighed. "Every day was suffocating, and I never expressed anything because I didn't want to shame my mother. My only comfort in that darkness was Mathew, Mike and April, but mainly Mathew who was often at my side. Sure, he mixed in well with the fake, fickle people, but under the facade was just a boy who loved his sister and wanted to be able to believe in love, who wanted to believe that love wasn't just another fake facade. Through him, I got to know April who was insecure, not comfortable in her skin, and sheltered by her brother. He meant well, but he perhaps sheltered her too much causing her to be naive and make mistakes that destroyed her. I'm glad she's okay now, but I always feel regretful for what happened to her."

"Mn." hummed Heather passively knowing that April's matters weren't really her business even though she had gotten to see her and Mike many times via Skype with Eric. "How did you get to know Mike?" she asked making him smile conflicted.

"He comes from a family of great lawyers and his father was my father's lawyer in the custody case," he replied.

"Oh, so your relationship is complex then?" she asked cautiously.

"It was at first," he replied bitterly. "I hated him, his family, but after he came to visit with his family, I got to know him and find out that he was already close with Mathew and April. I remember being very cold and curt with him until he made it clear that he and his mother weren't his father, so my hatred and resentment was unjustified. After he said that very calmly, I was able to realise what he said was true. Once I did, we got closer, but I didn't meet him as much until I got older. Even so, he was still like a good big brother to all of us who had to mature too early for our age. Especially Mathew who was younger than me yet bared so much for the sake of his sister. Mike is very patient and caring, especially towards his mother who retired from law early because of a big case going wrong. She lost fate in her skills and lived silently as a housewife after, but unlike us, Mike had a loving family or mother. He does understand the fake and fickleness that surrounds us though."

"I see, I'm so sorry all this happened to you. I would have never guessed," she said emphatically.

"It's fine, compared to you, I never suffered physically." he simply said making her shake her head.

"It's not a matter of who was treated worse. All scars hurt, especially the ones you can't see. It's hard to heal something you can't see and touch." she pointed out softly.

"Mn, you're right." he agreed. "Thank you for listening, I never knew telling you that would feel so relieving."

"No problem, sometimes voicing something is the best cure. We should probably turn in though, you have work tomorrow," she said making him sigh.

"Doesn't matter, it's not like I'm waking up to something I love," he grumbled making her frown.

"Eric, if you hate your job, why keep doing it? No matter what your father wants, it's your life." she lectured rendering him speechless. "I know I'm one to talk but accepting my reality and acknowledging that this is my life and not others allowed me to be who I am currently."

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