Part 9 : #NiyAan<3

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We all plan things, and Allah also plans. But indeed, Allah is the best planner✨

Inaya's P.O.V

I was discharged from the hospital and now I am resting in Haniyah's room. Did you guys forget that we'll be staying at Saud's place for a few days? Well, I am all alone in this room and also, Peter is here with us but he'll go after dinner. The boys got along with him so well! I was getting up from the bed to go out of the room when Saud came in. He asked me that where am I going and I replied "I want to sit with everyone, pleaseee?" He nodded and took me out of the room , when we see Ayaan talking to someone in the kitchen?  We go forward and see – "Ya Allah! Haniyah! Ayaan!? What's going on?!" I said. Ayaan was holding Haniyah's hand and Haniyah was smiling shyly when we went and on seeing us, they immediately separate. Please don't tell me they are a thing! Ayaan kept his hand on my mouth in order to stop me from talking this loud. They then looked at us and I decided to play with them. I winked at Saud when they weren't looking at us and said "How long is this going on? And since when?" My tone was serious and like I was scolding them. Saud then said "Haniyah! She's asking something. Open your damn mouth! And you? Ayaan how could you even think of dating my sister!?" Wow, not bad, he made it look like he is angry at them, good job! I got my partner for pranking people! Woohooo!

Saud's P.O.V
Haniyah's eyes water up and she said "Bhai, bhai I was- about to tell y–" "When the hell were u gonna tell it to me?! And how could you even think of dating? Ayaan, out. Now!"  Inaya then said "This wasn't expected from you guys! Shame on you! You literally fooled us? Ayaan go out of my sight right now!" They both spoke at the same time "I love him/her" I looked at them wide eyed and then towards Inaya. She was looking red like a tomato and whenever she's angry, or she is controlling her laughter, her face reddens. So they couldn't say that she's joking due to her face. She looked cute with her nose red and cheeks flustered. It looked like she's applied some blush, but its her natural beauty. If you see her in the morning, you'll think she's wearing make-up, and many people say that she uses blush. Specially in winter, I saw her once in winter morning when I was at her house with Haniyah to pick her as they were going with my family to a trip. She looked so pretty without any makeup that even I had to think that is she wearing makeup! Urgghhh! S-T-O-P   I-T   S-A-U-D! Thats when she looked at me and waved her hand to bring me out of my thoughts and said "Are you okay?" I replied "No I am not! Get out Ayaan and Haniyah, go in your room." That's when Inaya started laughing uncontrollably and I too laughed. They both looked at us with wide eyes and looked confused. We stopped laughing after 5 minutes and said "Guys, relax! Its cool! We don't have any problem with you both dating, okay?" We then went to the hall and narrated this incident to others and they too laughed and Haniyah and Ayaan hit us with pillows. This means that now, #NiyAan is OFFICIAL! They both were looking red like tomatoes! Haniyah then said "Inaya! Why were you winking at bhai? Hmm? Bolo bolo! (Tell tell!) I saw you so don't lieeee!" She teased. "About that, she was indicating me to prank you guys, nothing more!" Inaya nodded in agreement and we had the dinner. We ate Biryani, which we had ordered from outside as no one likes the biryani that is made at home except it's made by Inaya. Peter then suggested that we play Truth and Dare and we settled ourselves. Inaya spins the bottle and it landed on Ishaan. He chose truth and I asked him to describe his crush. "Hmm, my crush is of course a girl and she is the prettiest person I've ever met! You all have met her and she's super sweet with everyone. She is bubbly, funny, beautiful and amazing! She has no idea that I love her but I'll propose her soon!" We all started hooting and clapping and he spins the bottle. It landed on me and I chose dare. Haniyah dared me to call Zahra and invite her here for the night out. I dialed her number and she picked it up and said "Assalamualaikum Saud. Is everything okay? You've called me at 9:30?" "Walaikum salam Zahra, how are you? Uhm, actually I called you to come over at my place, Haniyah and our friends are here and they want you to come over, so?" "I am good and that's a good idea. Your and her friends in the sense Inaya, Aleezeh, Aryan and the rest? Okay, so, if they're okay with it, I'll be there in 15-20 minutes. Cool?" "Uhm yeah, cool. And yes, be carefull while coming and dri-" "-Haa I'll be careful while driving also. Okay mom? Bye." I spinned the bottle and it landed on Aryan, he chose truth and Inaya asked him the reason why were staying here. He replied "Uhm, I have to tell the truth, right" She nodded and he continued "Well, we're here because after today's incident, we cannot leave you alone and we had decided to be with you everywhere in the college but after Sid trapped you, we couldn't leave you alone anywhere! So Saud suggested that we stay at his place until everything cool downs. We did this as we care for you sis. Now come on let me spin." 

Inaya's P.O.V

While we were playing, I could see that Saud was a bit impatient and I knew the reason too. After all, Zahra is coming here and it would be the first time we meet after we know about their relation! Even I am excited to meet her now! But I don't know why but I feel some kind of bad vibes about her like, she isn't loyal to Saud or something, or she's just using her and all... Anyways, I wanted to go to out for some fresh air so I said "Achha listen, I am going out for some fresh air, maybe down in the garden or up, at the terrace. Don't worry, I have my phone. You all continue and just inform me when she comes. Allahafiz." After I left, I felt someone behind me so I turned around only to find Peter. I sighed and asked him "Spider-man, I wanted to be alone for sometime, but nevermind, we'll just take a walk, cool?" He nodded and asked "Inaya, why were you looking lost when Ishaan said he loves someone? Do you, uhm, like?" "No no no, he's just my best friend, nothing else. Its just that we've been best friends for so long still he didn't tell me about his crush. You know, we used to share everything with each other. He gave each of us different nicknames like, mine was 'Jungli Billi' (Wild Cat) then Aleezeh's was 'Baby Dino' and Haniyah was called 'High Maintenance'. We also gave him a nickname, its 'Ishaani'." "Woah, it means you all have been together for at least 4 years, right? And frok where did you get that 'Ishaani'?" He asked while laughing. "Well, we've been together since 6 years. We know each other since a long time but we became best friends later on. We used to play together and not only we 4, but also Asad Bhai, Aryan Bhai, Ayaan, Saud and Isha Aapa. Well,  I guess you don't know her... She is my sister, elder than me by 5 years and although we fight like crazy uncivilized people,  we love each other veryyyy much! There was this one time when Ammi asked us to bath as we had to go out, I ran into our room's bathroom. She too ran there along with me, as its our favorite bathroom. I know you must be like, really? Favourite bathroom? But yes, that was our favorite one because it had a bath tub and it was the biggest bathroom in our house." I said between laughs and continued "So we both reached the bathroom and figured for 5 minutes by hitting each other, splashing water and pulling hairs. Then at last I told her that she can use it first. She then shouted my name and I quickly locked the bathroom from outside and also, switched off the lights! She shouted before because while leaving the bathroom, I took the soap and shampoo along with me!" I stopped walking as I was laughing and held my stomach as it was paining from laughing so much. He said "What? I didn't knew that you could be this mischievous! Poor Isha Di!" I immediately said "Hey, you are my friend, not her that you feel bad for her!" We again laughed and he said "Maybe he wanted to surprise you but he had to spill it out today? Hmm? You know what? I guess he was talking 'bout you! Because while describing his crush, he was looking at you sometimes and it looked like he was describing you! He said she's cute, beautiful,  bubbly, funny, every quality matched with yours, don't you think?" I suddenly had a flashback of this time when he had proposed me, when I was 16 years old.

Okay, so that was it for today...

Did Ishaan really proposed Inaya?😳How do you think she reacted? Did she accepted his proposal or rejected it?🤷‍♀
Comment down your opinion to let me know what you think...💬

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Till then, take care...
|Stay Home|Stay Safe|

Hope you have a great day ahead...✨

Thankyou for reading❣️

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