Tragedy of the Willow Boy: Part One

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Hi! This is a 3-part Miraculous song fic, of sorts. I highly recommend you listen to the song this story was inspired by, which can be found above ("The Willow Maid" by Erutan). I use a few lines from the song in the story, so if you listen to the song, you might be able to identify those. :) I swapped the maiden for Adrien in this story because I felt it fit his character better, and because he has green eyes like it says in the song.

It's been a while since I've read and edited this part of the story, so I'm not sure if it needs anymore editing. Hopefully it doesn't! :D

Happy reading!


Marinette's steps were light as she took her afternoon stroll along the edge of the forest. With a basket of bread from her parents bakery hung on her arm, she relished in the feeling of the sun on her face, it's warmth seeping into her skin and making her feel at peace. She really needed this walk. The bakery got busy around lunch time every day, and she always needed some time to herself afterwards. Today happened to be beautiful, so she decided to venture out to the forest near her village for a quiet lunch.

Marinette looked curiously into the forest beside her. The sun shown through the leaves, dappling the moist dirt floor. Her desire to explore the forest had always been curbed by her fear of it. Nobody went into these woods but fools. There were stories of cruel creatures ruling the territory, of destructive beasts and dark magic. Those who went in did not always come out.

Marinette found a log dry enough to sit on, then pulled out a roll from her basket. She hadn't taken two bites before she heard a voice. She stopped mid bite and looked for the source. There was no one in the field in front of her, and the voice had already silenced itself. While she was still looking, she heard the melody again. Indeed, it was a melody, she realized. The voice was singing. She looked over her shoulder at the forest to her back.

The voice was in the forest.

The tune was cute and simple, as if for children. She was sure whoever the voice belonged to was no child, however. Her gaze lingered on the trees as she placed her half-eaten roll back in her basket and stood, wiping the crumbs off her apron. She stepped cautiously toward the tree line, considering within herself if she would go in.

Her curiosity was too great to ignore, so she stepped forth into the forest in search of the mysterious voice.

The further she ventured into the woods, the clearer the melody became. Marinette could tell by the timbre of the voice that it was a young male. She cautiously ventured deeper into the trees, allowing the forest to swallow her whole.

After a minute or two, the voice was near. Marinette tried her best to keep her footsteps quiet, but she could not with all the leaves and twigs littering the forest floor. As she peeked through a tall bush in the direction she heard the song, she saw a giant weeping willow at the edge of a large pond, sunlight streaming through it's curtain of leaves. Toadstool mushrooms sprung up around the roots of the willow and along the waters' edge. At the trunk of the tree, she could see the very edge of a person on the opposite side.

"Little kitty on a roof, all alone without his lady," he sang, still oblivious to the young girl spying on him.

Unable to satiate her curiosity, Marinette took ginger side steps, hoping to get a better look at the mysterious singing boy. She unknowingly placed her foot on a fallen stick, snapping it in two. The young man ceased singing. He didn't move, however, remaining against the willow. Marinette froze, scarcely daring to breathe.

Slowly, the young man turned his head, searching for the trespasser and allowing the young maiden to finally see the source of the music that drew her. His face was handsome, and the hair on his head had a golden sheen, reflecting the sun that passed through the leaves of the willow tree. His visage was unearthly, thought Marinette.

The Tragedy of the Willow Boy: A Miraculous AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now