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sorry, I forgot to post this yesterday, ehe~~ 😅

anyway this is my favourite one, hope you enjoy!!


Giovanni sighed as Matori walked out of his office, leaving him alone with only Persian for company. Another failed mission, it seemed, to capture his son. He believed using a younger operative would work, convincing Ash of joining Team Rocket. He hadn't betted on the very operative chosen to be the downfall of his plan.

>7 years prior<

"A boy? What do you mean a young boy?" he questioned Matori.

"I mean just that, sir, a young boy asked if he could join our ranks."
"How young?"

"Ten, sir." she responded.

Thoughts raced in Giovanni's mind. Maybe this naive young boy would be the key to his son, his master plan.

"Let him in."
"With all due respect, sir, I-"
"I said, let him in. I want you to train him like any other operative."
"But, it's a child-"

"A child with a trainer licence. He has a pokemon, Scorbunny, you said? If he has a pokemon and wants to, he can join Team Rocket."

Matori nodded and walked out of the office.

And Giovanni watched the boy grow up, learning surprisingly fast the ways of Team Rocket. He was soon becoming one of the best members of the organisation. Goh had mastered most skills taught to new recruits extremely quickly, even as a younger boy he could tie strong knots and use a web gun with accuracy. He would be perfect for the boss's needs.

But there was something about Goh that always made Giovanni feel regretful. Perhaps it was how young he was. He reminded him of his son. But Giovanni hadn't seen his son for years. So it was today, 6 years after accepting the young boy, now a teenager, he gave him his true mission.

"Find and capture Ash Ketchum. And bring him back to me."


Delia watched her son train, and even though she hid behind a smile her mind was racing. How had she only known today that Team Rocket were targeting him!? She should have expected this from Giovanni.

>12 years prior<

"Giovanni? Where are you going?" Delia asked her husband who was carrying a suitcase down the corridor.

"I'm leaving." He replied, opening the front door.


Giovanni looked behind himself with a sad smile on his face at his wife. "For an indeterminable amount of time. I love you, Delia." His smile turned to a hard frown as he turned his back, unlocking the door and opening it.

"But, wait! Our... our son... What kind of life will Ash have, Vanni?"

"One without his father. Goodbye." Giovanni stepped out of the door with his suitcase and didn't even turn around when he walked down the path.

Tears slid down Delia's face. She wanted to call out but didn't. She didn't even know where or why Giovanni was going. Her husband had been getting more distant recently, but Delia had assumed it had to do with him being tired from parenting. Maybe something had been going on with him that she didn't realise, and she'd upset him in some way.

But it was too late, Giovanni had already got into his slick black car and driven away.

It was two weeks later when Delia found out the truth. It was in a newspaper she had been reading whilst waiting for her son to wake up. She'd thought it an interesting headline: TERRORIST GANG STRIKES HARD. But what shocked her the most was when she saw her husband's face in the blurred background of a photo. There was no way... No way her Giovanni... At that moment she decided to protect her 4 year old son by cutting off all contact with his father, she even stopped wearing her wedding ring. Delia would keep Ash safe at all costs.

It was hard being a single parent and running a restaurant at the same time. A lot of the time it was fun and well worth it, some would describe it a dream life. However, contrary to how it may appear to others, quite often it was a nightmare.

Delia was still waiting to wake up.

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