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You know how in the beginning, I said 'Oliver likes ketchup'?

Well- he likes ketchup WAY TOO MUCH 😭

And you know how I said, 'What happens next, just no.'


I think you know where I'm going.
If you don't- wait and find out 😭😔

When Oliver opened the fridge, I saw my life flash before my eyes. That is, until he went to get a bowl. Oliver took the bowl, put it on the stove, picked Phone up, and placed him on the stove right next to the bowl.

Oliver place me in the bowl. Got a knife, then went back to the fridge. He got something out, but I couldn't tell what it was at the time.

Keep in mind, his mother and sister were in the living room. Right next to us. I don't know what his mother thought. Yes, she was watching everything.

Oliver went back to the stove where Phone and I were laying. Once he got into view of Phone, all Phone said was, "You're doomed."

Then I saw it. Ketchup. An open bottle of ketchup, with a knife in Oliver's other hand. Oliver put more than half of the bottle on me. 😭 He picked me up, and smeared so much on me-

His mother walked in to the room and right when she saw me she said, "Oliver..."

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