21.{the choice} p1.

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{Charlot's pov} *the next day* *in the living room*

It's the next day after the fight between me and thomas and i stayed at damiano's house last night because thomas came back and he didn't wanted to see me so... yeah i think we're getting divcored i don't even know i mean... i love him so much he means everything to me and then there is damiano who makes me feel so good.. but in a diffrent way it's more like in a conffident way... like i can be more myself and not a problem that needs to be fixed... all the time.. cause when i am with thomas sometimes it really feels like that...



'Were you day dreaming again??'


'Am-lottie what's going on in that little head of yours??'

'Nothing... it's just...'


'Dami you know i love you.. but i love thomas more and he is making me choose...'

'What?? I tought you already did??'

'No.. i didn't.. i mean i tought i did but.. it wasn't the right choice..'

'Then what???'

'Huh?? Damiano.. i think.. i..'

*he says while he sits next to her on the couch*

'Lottie stop it.. i know you love me more than him and you wanna know why?? Cause i can feel it... right here..'

*and he lays his hand on her chest*

'You see?? I can feel your heart beat.. it's rasing like crazy... when you're with me..'

'But with him.. it raises faster..'

'No it doesn't...'

'How d-..'


*and he takes his hand off her chest and he kisses her*


'Shhh.. shut up..'

*he says between the kiss while it gets rougher and she starts breathing very heavlly*

'D-dami... pl-please.. '

'You want more huh??'

'Y-yes... pl-please..'

*and he smirks a her whike the conutie kissing and he lifst her up... *

'Mhh.. d-dami..'

'Shh... don't ruin the moment...'

*and he pust her down and he leads her upstairs*

*you know what happens next*


{Leo's pov}

I am at thomas his house with vic and ethan cause thomas didn't feel well at all cause he is still in a fight with lottie so yeah now wer're trying to cheer him up a bit..

'Thom maybe we could go out tonight?? I mean wouldn't that be fun??'

Vic says while she looks at thomas who's sitting at the dinner table with a cup of coffee

'Yeah.. maybe.. that would be nice ... i mean i can bring the kids to my parents...'

'Well maybe leo can watch them???'

'Yeah i mean they like me and i don't wanna go with you guys anyways cause i didn't sleep much last night so..'

'Okay that's a deal then! Edgar whatdo you say??'

Vic says while she looks at me and then at ethan

'Huh?? Yeah sure vic i mean i can ask Lo-...ohh waitt... sorry..'

'It's okay edgar.. you guys are friends i get it..'

I say while i see from the corner of ny eyes that thomas is crying again..

'Ohh bro.. hey please don't cry... just. Forget her..'

*i say while i am standing up from the couch to hug him*

'How?? I loved her.. i mean i still do... i just miss her..'

'Well maybe you should go to damiano's house?? She is there right now..'

'No.. she probably fcked him already...cause that's just how she is...'

'Hey! I know you're mad at her thom but lottie is not a slut..'

'Well what ever lelo... i don't wanna see her or talk to her ever again..'

'Bro are you serious???'

'Yeah dead serious...'


Ohhh nooo🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ charlot girll we need to talk cause this is getting out of controll🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ i mean first thomas.. then vic.. then leo.. now damiano..🙆🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ like girll are you that stupidd???😩

Okayyy another chapter :) enjoyy and see youu soonn kissess😘💋💋

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