Last Will

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Hello everyone!!

Ok... where do I start?
Maybe with a warning/announcement of sorts... I guess ??

I've been a writer for a while, but this is my first one shot published in English EVER. My mother tongue is Spanish but I wanted to make the jump and try something new. This shipping is my brainrot at the moment and I really wanted to contribute with a little grain of salt. However, it's very likely that you will find some grammar inaccuracies or weird expressions, if that's so, please forgive me and if you can point them out as a constructive critique, I'll be more than happy.

Currently I don't have a beta or someone who can review my work so apologies if my narrative seems to be very basic or confusing at times. I doubted a lot about publishing this piece and I had to gather some courage to do it so please be gentle with me.

I really hope this one shot will be of your liking. More notes at the end of the fic! Thanks a lot in advance for your support!

COVER CREDITS: Kaga_0U0 (Twitter)


"I beg you, Master. Liberate me from my contract with you and with Liyue. I promise you this will be my last wish."

The amber-eyed Yaksha remained on his knees, while speaking those words in a grave and atone mood. But even so, it was easy to notice he was absolutely destroyed.

The Lord of Geo observed him in total silence, completely lost for words for the first time in a while. For all the millennia he had lived until this point, this was truly an unforeseen situation. He had no clue what to do, not even how to reply to the plea he was listening to. To be fair, he was tempted to let his jaw drop in disbelief. However, that would be out of character for him.

Finally, after what both could consider an eternity, the one that was now by the name of Zhongli, opened his lips.

"May I be so bold to inquire what you intend to do if I accept your request?"

This question was not fortuitous, he already knew the answer. He knew his children like the back of his hand, every single one of them. Nothing would escape from his insightful eye, all of them were like open books on his fingers.

However, he wanted Xiao to say it out loud, to accept it in front of him, in hope that that would make him change his mind. Zhongli couldn't afford to lose him as well.

Once again, the silence reigned over the peak of Mt. Hulao where they agreed to meet. Only the sound of the wind, calm and gentle, would dare to interrupt their interchange.

Xiao was conscious that this could happen, he knew it since he came up with the idea of looking for the former Archon to raise his request. But that didn't mean he was ready to offer an explanation.

Thinking about it was painful enough, trying to voice it would be devastating no doubt.

But he had little choice on the matter. If his Master was looking for explanations, he was forced to offer them.

"I plan to end my suffering once and for all. I wish not to keep living in a world where she is no longer present," he declared coldly and apparently, emotionless but making a huge effort to not let himself break.

His counterpart felt how his heart shattered by confirming his suspicions. He was about to lose the last of his Yakshas, the only one who had been strong enough to carry on with the sacred duty he had relied upon his shoulders for a very long time.

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