My opinion it's a pretty cute ship though I find them more as sisters but I really like it and I think they should have more fan art made out of them even though they're already popular hiyoko should have seen mahiru live I wish both of them had lived they both had character arcs they never got to fulfill but.. sadly a lot of people make r34 of this ship which is really sad though it's probably normal for it to happen it kind of just sucks especially because one of them looks like a child.. I'm going to add some of my friend opinions!!! My friend shu told me he likes to ship a couple months ago I don't know about now but like he told me also shu if you're reading it now yes it's me Mika😍😍✌️✌️✌️ anyways I think the ship is a really cool because it gives me kind of a big sis helper kind of vibes also "big sis MAHIRU"is honestly the cutest thing ever it's kind of showing how much she wants to open up to other people but she can't because of the way she was raised it kind of reminds me of the whole small angry and tall kind trope which is honestly adorable: words:220