Daikon and The Donut Boy 2 (10)

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The fluff is going to be very concentrated to this chapter because ive realised that there has not been as much as I intended for

"Woahhh! It's so big! And the window! You can see the whole city marketplace from up here!" Nene stood in the room in awe, staring out the window. Amane stood a bit behind her, smiling.
"I'm going to assume you like it-" He began, before swiftly being cut off by Nene tackling him into a hug.
"It's amazing! I do, I really do! I can't believe you not only got a room in this hotel, but also one of the highest up rooms!"
"You're that happy about the room?"
"I'm happy about a lot of things, not just the room!"
"What're the other things you're happy about then?"

Btw did I ever say how old they are well if not they're in their early 20s around 21-22 :)

Nene thought for a few moments, before pulling back from the hug, and giving Amane a sweet smile.
"I'm glad we're here together; as cheesy as that sounds." She had her hands on his shoulders, but moved them so that she was almost holding his face.
"It does sound cheesy!" Amane laughed, seemingly not noticing.
"You've been being ridiculously kind the past couple of days; why's that?" She asked, and he gave her a mildly confused glance.
"Am I not always kind? Amane said, sarcastically. He hugged her back before she spoke again, burying his head in her shoulder.
"You know what I mean." Nene said, and Amane didn't speak, simply making a noise that indicated he heard.

Once they finally released eachother, they looked at the clock, eyes widening once they realised the time.
"It's already nearly 10? How long were we standing like that?" Nene started, and Amane grinned, seeing his prime obnoxious chance.
"Much longer than you thought! After all, I have an incredible charm that makes time fly, do I not?" He gave her a grin, and she laughed.
"In your dreams, the only charm you have is a charm that makes people want to slap you." She pushed Amane slightly, and he proceeded to dramatically spin-flop onto the bed.
"Oh, that hurts! I simply do not have the words to describe how offended I am!"
"You're such a child."



Neither Amane nor Nene had managed to fall asleep yet, with Nene staring out of the large window in front of her as she lay on her side. She thought Amane was already asleep, though that thought didn't last long, because she heard him sit up, groaning in annoyance.

She turned to face him, but simply observed him, since he clearly hadn't realised she was awake. He turned to reach for his bag under the bed, and after a few moments managed to pull it out. He took something out of one of the pockets, but didn't lift it high enough so that Nene could see it.

After a few moments, Amane put what he was holding back and slid his bag back under the bed. Nene turned back to look out the window, letting the moonlight shine on her face. She could feel Amane's eyes on her, but she couldn't be bothered to turn to look at him again.

She lay there for a few moments, and eventually felt Amane wrap his arms around her, his head buried in the back of her neck. She didn't move, but eventually she slowly moved to hold his hand, which was something that caused him to flinch slightly.

"You're awake??" Amane said, almost sounding as if he was in disbelief.
"Well, yeah. You didn't realise?" Nene responded, and she felt Amane turn his head to look the opposite direction.
"Well you didn't exactly make it obvious, so no-"
"I was very stealthy, then."
"Why are you awake anyway?"
"Couldn't sleep. Why are you awake?"
"Funny, neither of us could sleep and neither of us realised we were both awake."
"Ha, yeah."

{DISCONTINUED} Dainty Duet • HANANENEWhere stories live. Discover now