An Interesting Hedgie

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Sonic's POV

I'm walking in the forest trying not to think about being lonely. All I've ever wanted for so long is to have someone that I can be with who doesn't want to kill me when they see me. I haven't come in contact with anyone that wants to talk or not hurt. It hurts me so much on the inside that I sometimes wish that I could hurt myself. Sadly I can't, but it's okay for now. I know that I'll find someone soon that actually cares about me. As I'm walking I hear footsteps and I look around. I see a shadowy figure, but I can't make it out. I quietly sneak up to it and hide behind a tree as I listen for any sounds it might make.

"Pathetic humans, thinking they're always right and so smart..."

Huh, he doesn't really like humans...

I look at him making sure to stay hidden. I have to know more from him right now.

"Telling me what to do when I do something "wrong"... I hate them! I just wish I could rip out their throats and destroy them forever!" He sighs loudly and frowns more. "But yet, no one else feels the same way like I do..."

I frown a little. I know that feeling all too well. I wanna kill any human I see, but for my own reason. Pretty much just for food, but mainly because they try to kill me all the time and they killed all the other known vampires that once lived here. I plan to avenge them, especially all of my family members who were violently killed in terrible ways by their filthy hands.

Someday... I will avenge you all... I slowly come from behind the tree and tackle him.

He screams in confusion and his heart stops as he sees me, his eyes going wide in fear. "N-no please..."

"Shh... don't worry. I won't hurt you if I see you're worthy enough of living still..." I show my fangs, the moonlight hitting them and making them sparkle just the right way.

He gulps ever so slightly and nods cautiously. "O-okay..."

"Good. I overheard what you were saying back there and was a little bit intrigued by it." I lick my fangs intimidatingly slow.

"Y-you did? But why?" He looks at me really confused.

"Well I have a very similar situation just as you do, sweetie."

"But how did you manage that?"

"Well my whole family and all the others ever known were mercilessly murder by those dreaded humans 365 years ago and I'm the only survivor from the attack..."

"Oh... that's so sad. You hate them too then don't you?"

"Oh, of course I do sweetie. Hands down." I smile a little at him. "So what's your name hon?"

"I'm Shadow. Shadow the Hedgehog."

"Sonic the Vamphog." I hold my hand to his for a handshake. He shakes it cautiously and I pull him up to his feet.

He looks at me and sighs. "Humans are really stupid aren't they?"

"Yeah they honestly are." I chuckle and grin.

He laughs and yawns a little bit. It was almost midnight anyway, also known as feeding time.

~20 minutes later~

"You're really an amazing person. I would've never guess since you seemed so distant and everything," I say. He's been through so much that it shouldn't be legal.

"Well you had a way better life than me so don't feel sympathetic towards me." He says strictly which I quickly nod to.

"Well I better start feeding I guess."

"Alright just be careful now okay?"

I smile and nod happily. "Yeah of course."

"Okay. Goodnight Sonic," he waves at me.

I wave back. "Night Shadow."

He walks off and leaves me by myself for the night.

I finally have someone to talk to after all of these years... maybe even a friend if I'm lucky...

I smile happily and run off into the night. The moonlight illuminating me as I go about things in a whole new perspective.

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