21| Failed

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Journal Entry # 22  ???? am/pm (Future telling the story)

I waited too long. I had planned to tell Dallas everything that following Monday after returning Luna's earbuds she'd left at my house. I forgot. I always forget..

I would ask him to meet me after school by the tree, but by the time school got out that was farthest from my mind, and we just talked. I.. I lied. I had to.. I didn't know what to do and it was because of that, I was only digging myself a bigger hole.

I had to get out some how.. I couldn't lead him on like that. Before I knew it, summer hit and I was out of time.. I kind of let it happen..

I felt powerless to do anything about it. I wanted to tell him when it hit me; but when it did, I was never near my phone, or it was night time, and it was gone by morning. I tried filling time by playing video games, mobile games, writing stories, reading, talking to some friends,.. Everything.

Anything that would distract me from the truth: I failed.. Before I even began. I knew I didn't give it time either, but I- I just couldn't. I wasn't ready for another relationship. I'm sorry Dallas.

I frowned. No you're not. But you can't be either,.. can you? I knew that answer. It was all my fault. I regretted taking out my frustration on Dallas in the first place. He didn't deserve that.

McBatim; Before The Nexttgenns Trilogy: Scatter HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now