The kiss

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'DRACO?'shouted Pansy.'huh'said Draco, ' staring at Harry huh'. 'No' Harry walked out of the room quickly.Draco sat up quick and said 'I'm full' then he ran off behind Harry. 'Hey potter' 'shove off malfoy.malfoy why do you do this to me?!'asked Harry angrily 'I only said hey but if u want to know so bad'said Draco.Draco grabbed Harry's wrist and pull him inside a closet closing the door behind himself.'HUH malfoy stop thi-'Harry's words where then cut of by Dracos lips touching Harry's Harry felt angry at first but then a wave of pleasure came over him somthing Harry never felt before.Harry closed his eyes and kissed Draco back.Draco peeped through his long eyelashes to see Harry was enjoying it.Draco broke the kiss. 'You enjoyed that'Draco smirked. 'W-whatever'Harry mumbled.Draco kissed Harry again harry kissed him back Draco bit Harry's lip Harry Opened his mouth Dracos tounge explored Harry's mouth Harry mouned lightly so no one could hear.Draco broke the kiss for air.                                                                                                    Harry POV:                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Draco kissed me on the forehead before we both jumped out of the closet and ran to our commen rooms.Hermione and Ron came in a minute later I was sitting down still trying to process what happened.'Harry.where were you'Hermione scolded .'Uhm' I can't tell them about Draco!'H-here?' ' don't sound so sure about that'said Ron squinting his eyes. 'I was here?!'I said Uneasily . 'Cmon let's get out bags' I jumped up sweating they would ask me more...I walked to and got my books I completely zoned out I couldn't stop thinking about malfoy I heard Hermione talking about some book Ron said something it was like I was gone from the world!? 'HARRY' Hermione shouted 'where you listening?'asked Hermione 'no?' I answered annoyed 'don't blame you mate.all she talks is shit!' 'RONALD WESLEY WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY' screamed Hermione.She was obviously in a bad mood.then we walked down the hall to Snapes class outside the door we stood became we were early Hermione either shouting at Ron for SaYiNg A bAd WoRd or talking about exams BORING.!Until I seen malfoy we both locked eyes he smirked and winked then I heard Hermione shout'HARRY JAMES POTTER' 'what did I do now' I anwsered annoyed'what is wrong with you today it's like you have a boyfriend!?why are you zoning out so much!!'Hermione snapped I went red well malfoy isn't my boyfriend YET?? 'I'm just tired'i said quickly.was malfoy my boyfriend?

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