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Harry POV:                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I heard Malfoy laughing.? 'Shut the fu-'Ron's words were stopped by Hermiones loud voice 'DONT YOU DARE RONLD IM ALREADY IN A BAD MOOD'shouted Hermione bringing attention 'shut the Fuck up mione'Ron then realised what he just said and to who '...Fuck...shit'said Ron who then covered his mouth and took a step back. 'S-sor-sorry' said ron Hermione just looked at him with a angry look on her face.Malfoy then covered his mouth because if he even giggled he probably would get a slap.Hermione just turned around and gave Ron a lecture about how you should not curse.eventually I sat down and rested mey eyes. 'Mate?'Ron poked me 'it's time for class'said Hermione brushing of Ron's back with her shoulder and went into class.I walked in and took a seat in front of malfoy.Through the class Felt eyes on me I looked be behind me Draco POV: I seen Potter looking at me.'soooo who is this crush you kissed GIVE ME THE DETAILS'whispered palsy .I pointed at Potter and whispered 'Potter..I like potter' I could tell potter heard but it's not a lie now is it?Blaise heard to Hermione looked at us and I whispered to Potter 'what did we do?' Luckily no one else heard he whispered back 'I don't know'and looked Hermione 'Mione what did they do'Potter whispered loud enough so we could hear. 'I can't hear cuz of THEM'Hermione whisper shouted. 'What you gunna do Mudblood?'I whispered and leaned back on my chair Pansy laughed so hard that she nearly fell over. 'Ugh' Hermione turned around when I looked back at Harry and Ron they were both laughing so hard that Harry got the hiccups after.cute.after some other classes at dinner Granger was basically killing Ron and Harry for laughing Ron just stuffed his face with food and Harry just told her to shut up.Pansy quizzed me on when me and Harry kisses 'ok ok one more question did you like it?' Blaise was listening closely so was Pansy  'Yes I loved it I would do it again and again'I said I did want to kiss Harry again actually have sex with him and watch him naked buti can't I don't have the dumb password! 'Would you have sex with him' asked Blaise 'what kind of question is that of course'.                                                                                     Harry POV:                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SO HE WANTS TO HAVE SEX WITH ME!?Draco didn't know I was listening I kinda just listened to him,Blaise and Pansy instead of listening to Hermione like ughhh she is really annoying when she is in a bad mood like all she does is give lectures ,scream at us and do exams but she will be fine tomorrow she probably didn't get enough sleep 'Hey Harry' shouted Jinny running over and shoving over Ron 'I'm here too' said Ron Jinny just ignored him turning her back to him now facing me  she put her hand on my thigh I was really uncomfortable.I looked at draco he looked like he was gunna kill someone then I fell down laughing 'what so funny Harry' Jinny asked trying to sound cute or soft 'Malfoy looks like he can kill someone'I sniggered Ron looked over and fell laughing even Hermione had a giggle Jinny just sat there like she could kill someone whitch me  laugh harder.when me and Ron finally got up  a paper was flung  at me 'meet me in the Roh (room of Requirments)' so I quickly got up and said 'I got to go'.then I dropped the note but I didn't notice

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