A New Avenger

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Excusing herself to go use the restroom, Claire left the surveillance room and went to go use the toilet. After she finished washing her hands, she looked up, surprisingly shocked by the fire alarms as they went off. Red lights began to flash, and the sound of the loud noise rang noiesly across the restroom.
Claire quickly stepped out, and all of a sudden, she could hear the people screaming outside the restrooms. What was going on?
Claire ran out, following the crowd of people. There was only so much she could do as they shoved her. Claire began to push her way from the crowd that was leading her forward toward an exit. It started to get a bit harder for her to breathe. Claire shoved as hard as she could one last time and broke free toward the cafeteria. "Oh!" She breathed with relief. Now, she needed to fine Tony.
"Ahh!" Claire yelped and quickly stepped backward as her brother was tossed, right across the cafeteria from her. She found him.
"Tony!" She yelled, only to turn to see Nat trying to free herself from what looked to Claire like the winter soldier. How did he escape? Claire knew she had to do something. Acting quickly, Claire ran toward them and attacked the soldier from behind, giving him two high kicks and dodging his armored arm that came at her as soon as he turned.
The soldier pushed her hard against the wall, taking the air out of her stomach.
Claire kicked him hard on his sheen, throwing him off for a split second and punched him on his ribcage harder than she ever could. He growled in the process. But it was useless.
Claire quickly ducked down and watched as he hit the wall with his armored arm. Her eyes widened at the damage, and she shoved him as hard as she could. Claire jumped on her feet, lifted her leg high to his neck, and kicked him on the face twice before he tossed her across the room.
Claire gasped in pain. She struggled to get on her feet. Of course, he had to toss her like a rag doll. Claire yelped as she felt two strong hands circle around her waist, lifting her up to her feet. 
Tony pulled her close. "That was good, but don't you ever do that again! Now come on," Tony saw as King T'Challa ran after the winter soldier. He knew there was no point; right now, he needed Claire to get to safety.
Once outside the premises and away from the chaos, Tony took Claire to a remotely safe place. When the paramedics arrived with the US government, Tony cursed under his breath, He eyed her for a moment.
"What?" Claire breathed as the paramedic checked her ribs.
"Well, nothing seems to be broken," they told her. "But it will bruise,"
Tony sighted with relief. "Come on." he took hold of her arm and helped her down. He was beginning to feel the hits, and so was Claire, that toss across the tables. Geez, how did she manage to not feel a thing during that moment?
After they went back inside, Claire noticed how bruised up Tony was. He had his arm around her shoulders, and nearly his entire weight rested on her. Claire had to pull herself up. "Are you alright?" She breathed. Damn he was heavy.
Tony opened his jaw once and nodded over toward her face. "Always," grinning softly.
"Tony, we need to talk," a tall, older looking gentleman came up to them.
"Mr. Ross," Tony greeted.
Mr. Ross looked over to Claire and then to Tony. "She knows everything," Tony assured him.
They were guided into the glass room where Steve had been earlier, and she helped Tony sit.
Claire hadn't really listened much until Tony insisted on bringing Steve back with Barnes, who was known as the winter soldier. Claire was beginning to piece together everything.
"You have 36 hours," Mr Ross ordered. "Roger's and Barnes," he eyed them, and with that, Mr. Ross left.
Claire's butt felt sore, and her ribcage area pained, but not enough to have her sit this out. "What are we going to do?"
"36 hours," Tony repeated.
"We are understaffed," Nat said. She eyed Tony and Claire. "Is she coming?"
Nat could see that Claire had been hurt; this was after all her first official fight, but it wasn't as bad. "Hey, I never got a chance to thank you," Nat told her. "You did well," she smiled proudly.
"Thanks," Claire smiled. "But I'm starting to miss my dance class,"
Tony chuckled.
"So, what's the plan?" Claire added.
"I have someone," Tony pointed out
"Me too, downstairs." Nat breathed.
Tony and Claire flew off to queens, and of course, Claire had to ask her brother, who they were going to meet with.
"His, a kid, Tony!" Claire hissed, as soon as he informed her how old he was.
"Believe me when I say that...his no ordinary kid," he told her as they stood outside an apartment door.
"Tony," she protested.
"Shh, play along, alright," He whispered as he knocked on the door.
"Coming!" Both of them heard a woman yell from inside. "Coming!" The door opened wide, and a small lady greeted them with a smile. "Hello?"
"Hello..." Tony greeted kind of taken aback by her good looks.
Rude. Claire thought. "Hi, I'm Claire Stark, Tony's little sister, his assistant." She grinned. "As you can see..." she shoved her way upfront. "He gets shy around beautiful women, hence why he hasn't introduced himself," Claire teased.
"Is Peter around?" Tony rolled his eyes. "Tony stark," he said, taking his hand out for a handshake.
"Oh, the Starks!" The lady smiled. Her eyes were dark and stared with bright curiosity.
"Oh, my gosh, come in!" She laughed, taking Claire's hand. "Peter isn't back yet but make yourselves at home," she told them once inside. She introduced herself. "Hi, I'm May, Peter's Aunt, do, what do I owe such a visit?"
"You see, there are a few scholarships that Peter had applied to at our facilities that could give him more educational experience for his college education," Claire informed her.
"Oh my!" May gasped with a smile.
Claire took a seat on the smaller armchair and returned the smile.
"Peter didn't... mention anything to me about that!" May went over to the kitchen counter, which was two feet away and lifted a tray of cookies over to them."Please have some!" She sounded joyful and chirpy.
Claire could see that this excited her. Now, Claire felt terrible.
"May," Claire cleared her throat. "You have a lovely home,"
"Thank you," she breathed with a grin. "Gosh, you're beautiful. You know I didn't know Mr. Stark had a sister," May said.
"I tend to stay away from it all," Claire proceeded to lie, and she decided to take a bite of her cookie. She couldn't lie to innocent people, could she?
"She gets that a lot," Tony smiled.
The door opened, and a young boy walked in with earpods on his ears. "Hey, Aunt May," he proceeded to look down as he placed a DVD player on the small table in the entrance. "There is a really expensive looking car parked outside... Oh," he greeted when he noticed the guests.
His eyes widened when he saw Tony, then over at Claire, which, to his shock, was now a tad bit nervous. She was very pretty.
"Why didn't you tell me about this scholarship? " Aunt May asked.
Peter was slightly confused. He looked over at Tony and cleared his throat. "A grant would be the right word,"
Tony nodded.
"It's a grant, right?" Peter insisted.
"Did you get all my emails?" Tony asked the kid.
Peter nodded. "Y-yeah, I did," he played along.
"Peter, why didn't you tell me?" His aunt, May, wondered.
"B-because I didn't want to upset you if I didn't get it,"
"Can I talk to him alone?" Tony looked to Aunt May, then over to Claire.
"Hi, I'm Peter Parker. " Peter waved a hello to Claire.
"That's Mr. Starks little sister, Claire,"
"What! YOU have a sister?" Peter guided Tony to his room.
"Shocker, right? " Tony followed.
"Is she single?"
Both women could hear him.
"You know they can hear you. I haven't closed the door."
"Mr. Stark!" Then the door closed.
May and Claire laughed.
"Young boys," May said embarrassedly with a giggle.
Claire and Aunt May spoke for a while about recipes and how Claire stayed in shape. "I dance for a living," Claire cleared her throat. She missed it. But right now, there were other important matters.
After they left, Peter came with them. "Claire here," Tony handed her a black suit with pink on it.
"Do I look like a pink ranger to you?" She glared over at Tony.
"Go change." She did. The suit had pink on the elbows, which had very thick padding that felt light enough for her to move. On the knees as well and around the shoulders, on her backside, and finally around her stomach.
"Everything, pink will soften a fall or hit. It is waterproof and has warming senses. It doesn't tear easily or perhaps not at all. The belt on your waist has a few gadgets that Happy and I added too and once you press on it-it has over one hundred and twenty five alert system waves, which will help you move and better guide you when your fighting and running." Tony informed her. "And here." he watched her closely eye to eye to see if she was paying close attention. He lifted her arm and on the side of her wrist. The tiniest things Claire had ever seen. "Small little discharge electrical bombs that can unarm a building or car," he dropped her arm and went toward the closet in the plane.
"Wow, you look so cool!" Peter told her.
"Here," Tony handed him his suit.
"I can't wait to try this on!" Peter screamed. "This is amazing!" The kid went into the restroom.
"Things are going to get nasty now," Tony had received a call from Vision on how Wanda had a little help escaping. "Wanda escaped,"
"What?" Claire breathed. "Wanda the red witch girl?" She didn't know much about her, only that she lost her brother during the battle in sokovia.
"Whoosh," Peter made a sound as he jumped up and down.
Yup, he was definitely a kid. But Claire admired his will to be on board. After he dressed into his suit, Claire was flabbergasted. His suit was incredible. "You look amazing," she complimented the boy.
Peter cleared his throat and stood tall next to her now. "Thanks."" he tried to play it cool but then laughed. "This is my one chance to proof to Mr. Stark, that I can do it,"
Claire smiled warmly. "His known for that,"
"Alright this is what's going to happen, we're going to land at the airport, Claire I need you to have them evacuate the entire thing no civilians left, once there and it's done make sure to head to the jets,"
Claire nodded. "Okay,"
"Kid, once there, our plan starts."

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