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In a penthouse located in Manhattan lived the Choi's—only the wealthiest and most talented family in the whole New York City. Both Mr. and Mrs. Choi are shareholders of the one and only, Juilliard Music School. They are also both performing artists, as well as part-time teachers at the school.

Of course, if the parents are musically inclined parents, the kids would be too.

The couple only wanted one kid as they were already too busy to even focus on themselves, but they still somehow got blessed with two. A set of twins!

Early spring, at the 13th of June, year 2001, Choi Naeun and Choi Beomgyu were born. Since they were the children of famous musicians, they were expected to be prodigies. And they were!

Naeun had taken an interest in Opera and have been performing since she was thirteen. As of right now, she is an intimidating competition in Juilliard.

Beomgyu picked up his guitar and never stopped playing since then. He is also talented in the piano and focuses more on it during school.

The two were the most talented in the famous music school. Everyone wanted to be on the good side of theirs because not only do they basically own the school, they also own the entire music industry.

Picture perfect siblings, always together and would never do anything to disappoint their family name. But how long will they have to live like that?

Not too long, I suppose.

"Nathalie, what are you doing tonight?" said Naeun's little follower.

As they live in the US, the lass goes by Nathalie and rarely answers to Naeun unless it's by her family. Her english name makes her feel more superior for some reason.

"Practice," she answered. Practice? More like party. Of course, the Choi siblings aren't as perfect as you thought they were. After all, they're teenagers.

Since their parents are always out on trips to perform all over the world, the two are left in an empty penthouse with nothing to do but practice. They don't want to dedicate their whole life to just practicing, so when they learnt that they can throw parties, they started doing so.

"Aye, I know that's a lie!" her little follower chuckled and hit her lightly.

Nathalie only smirked as she pulled out an envelope. "Tonight at 6," she said and entered her class.

Of course, not anyone can just come into the penthouse and party. They had to be specifically invited by the twins themselves and be careful who they invite. You really can't trust everyone in Manhattan—they gossip a lot behind your back.

The day had ended and the limo awaited for the two. "Tonight?" Beomgyu smirked as he handed out an invite to a girl.

She grinned, accepting the invite from the taller. "I'll be there," she said in a seductive tone.

Beomgyu was known to be the playboy in Juilliard and he never lasted in relationships. He gets easily bored. "You better," he replied.

Their smirks made Naeun gag as she watched from afar. She couldn't understand how one can flirt, and she hopes that she doesn't ever flirt like that in the future.

"Beomie!" Naeun exclaimed, stomping her way to the both of them with her Louis Vuitton heels. "Let's go! We still have a lot of preparation to do!" she added and grabbed her brother.

"I'll see you!" Beomgyu told the girl he flirted with as he got dragged by his sister.

They hopped in the limousine, all eyes on them. The wealthiest and most talented kids in the school, what a combination.

"I told you not to call me by my Korean name at school," Beomgyu sighed, browsing through a magazine.

"I'd rather call you that than Ben or Benny," she replied. "It sounds too old-fashioned."

Beomgyu rolled his eyes. His frustration only grew the more he flipped through the pages of the magazine. Naeun noticed that so she decided to snatch the magazine away from him.

How awful.

"What the fuck?!" she exclaimed and looked at their butler. "Isn't this the latest issue?! Where's our picture?!"

The butler calmly asked to see the magazine and the young lady gave it to him, her eyebrows still furrowed. "I don't know what happened but I will take care of this right when we get to the penthouse," he said.

"You better. Not once did our faces leave the magazine," Beomgyu scoffed.

The butler nodded his head.


Spoiled brats.

They were given everything they wanted and needed. They were the stars of the Manhattan and they wouldn't let anyone just come and steal their spotlights.

When they arrived at the penthouse, all the maids were working hard to set up the party. It looked good, with all kinds of alcohol present, and all kinds of fun games to play.

Naeun and Beomgyu immediately went to their rooms to get ready, and because they're twins who do everything together, they matched their outfits.

Beomgyu wore a white shirt tucked into a pair of black jeans, and a red cardigan over it. He dressed comfortably, yet stylish.

Naeun wore a white shirt as well, tucked into her black skirt, and wearing a red fur cardigan over it.

And soon enough, the party started. It was a big party with people they can entrust to keep the event a secret. Naeun danced around with her so-called friends, and Beomgyu surrounded himself with girls.

Everything seemed to be going their way, as always. Everything was supposed to go their way, but even the world disagrees—because it turned out that their parents cut their trip short this time to spend time with their kids.

And you should've seen the look on their faces when they found their penthouse basically trashed, their son surrounded by girls and one sitting on his lap, and their daughter drinking and dancing with people they don't know.

"Everybody, out!" Mr. Choi yelled.

His deep and loud voice scared everyone away, leaving the twins to look down on their feet, ashamed of what they've done.

"You two," Mr. Choi said as he pointed at them. "I do not tolerate this kind of behavior in my house. You are a disgrace! We gave you everything, anything that you could possibly need. Provided you with things your mother and I couldn't have back then. We sent you to a prestigious music school, only to get this in return?"

The disappointment in his voice had allowed the two to get struck by guilt even harder. His sigh in disbelief caused them to look at each other with a 'what do we do?' look on their faces.

"I'm sending you both to Korea," he said.

Their eyes widened, even their mom was shocked by his sudden decision. "W-What?" Naeun mumbled.

"You will stay there and straighten up," he said.

Beomgyu looked at his dad. "But what about Juilliard?" he asked, worried of leaving his life behind.

"Well, you should've thought of that before trashing the house and screwing around with those girls!" their dad replied.

"Honey, please think this through first. They're just kids," their mom was somehow on their side.

Mr. Choi looked at his wife. "They already think they're old enough to even drink!" he said and pointed at the alcoholic beverages on the table. "I've made my decision, honey. They need to be disciplined the hard way."

Naeun and Beomgyu looked at each other one more time, their eyes filled with fear. Their extravagant life has come to an end just because they were careless teenagers.

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