7. settling

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I have to say, as much as I approve of refusing to work with Draven and spread more evil, this really hurts. In theory I completely believe that Mandy did the right thing, but it turns out that I also really hate what it feels like when she does. It's not so bad now that they've stopped but I'm worried about her. She agreed to do whatever it was, pale as a dead fish. I know it's horrible, but hopefully it's something she'll be able to get over.

She'll need copious amounts of therapy of course, but we all will.

But right now it really hurts and for some reason Gabe hasn't been allowed to heal me. The two of us got sent out of the main room while Mandy did whatever it was, but he hasn't started healing me.

Maybe he won't be allowed, he's just here to taunt me with the promise of relief.

But if that was the case I don't think he would've been here the whole time. Draven would've called him in and then had him heal a tiny bruise or something.

Unless he knew I'd think that and was playing off my expectations.

Maybe I shouldn't try and outfox him. He's a lot older than me and has clearly had a lot of experience in shady and outright illegal deals. No matter what I try I'm sure he's seen it a thousand times.

Unless it's so elementary that he hasn't because it's just that stupid.

Of course if no one does it because it's stupid maybe I shouldn't do it.

Unless I can use the element of surprise well enough that I can blindside him.

Or I can try and find a clever idea that will let me never directly interact with him, after all he's supposed to be the smartest bad guy, aside from his evil scientists who are actually good people who got misled and will eventually help us hopefully.

Either way avoiding Draven is a good idea in theory. Of course that won't work because he's the one with all the power, but it's a good dream. "Come on you two," a guard says, popping his head through the doorway. "Hurry up, Mr. Draven doesn't like waiting."

"Coming," I say as Gabe silently gets to his feet. He doesn't talk much I've noticed, except during our lesson. He was almost a little chatterbox. So most likely he used to be talkative but got scared into silence by Draven or something else here.


What if Draven isn't the big boss?

I mean he just showed up, and we know about him. He seems pretty scary and respected but it could be he's middle level like...the supervisor. For all I know he's got power, but only because someone else gave it to him.

If that is true I need to meet the big boss. Maybe I could convince them to help us and get rid of Draven. It's not likely but Draven will never do that. It's a small chance but better than my other attempts so far.

So now I need to find the secret apartment of some sort of big boss and try and meet them. I'll have to make sure I don't get in trouble, but if it works it'll be worth it.

Or it'll end in screams, pain, and tons of trouble.

I think it's worth the risk, but I'll have to be careful.

But right now I need to focus on Draven and hopefully getting healed.

When we enter it looks like that's possible. Mandy is shaking in the corner, hands half curled. Draven is lounging, and looks...not mad. He's not happy by any stretch of the imagination, but he's not in a bad mood either, which seems to be the best I could hope for from him. "I hope you have learned your lesson," Draven drawls as we walk in.

"Yes, of course." Mandy says desperately. I can almost hear how hard she bites down on her tongue to keep whatever request she wants to make. He might be in a not-bad mood at the moment but that could quickly change.

"Heal him," Draven orders, jerking his head at me.

"Sorry," Gabe whispers, just like last time.

"It's not your fault, you're helping me," I whisper back just as quietly. This is going to hurt like hell, but it'll be better in the long run. Besides this way Gabe will be super close and personal again. I might not mean anything to him, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy his closeness as he doesn't seem to mind my actions.

"Still I'm sorry," he says firmly before his hands are on my and the painful glow fills every inch of me.

A/N so first of all, funny story. The last section didn't fully update last time and I didn't realize until after I'd deleted it. I got it back but that was fun.

Also this section is shorter, sorry.

I have a good reason however. I had twelve hours of stuff today and then I had to do like an hour of homework plus deal with annoying family members who think "I'm doing homework," means I want to spend time with them.

Also I was really tired for no apparent reason, although it might have something to do with the fact that I dehydrated myself, possibly pretty severely.

So yeah, when I started writing I didn't entirely want to because I just need sleep. I'll try and update a longer section next week.

Sleep time.

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