my-log: tour

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2 years later

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2 years later

"DIDN'T YOU HEAR!?!" Jacob shakes my shoulders as he enters the elevator with me, the doors closing behind him and it taking us down to the 11th floor of the ASC office.

I nearly drop my bag. "What? Hear what?"

"Enhypen is in New York!! For their world tour!! It's already come!!" He gasps, practically bouncing off the walls.

I roll my eyes and laugh at him. I honestly forgot they were coming...Its not like I'd be seeing them anyway.

"I didn't get tickets, sadly—But hey! Didn't you work with them in Korea!? You can let me in on some VIP passes, riiiiiight??" He nudges and winks at me. I sigh, and exit the lift as the doors pry open. When I ignore him, he quickly runs out and gallops to my side.

"Awh, come on! Help me out! I have to make Jay fall for me so we can escape to a secluded island together, get married, adopt a dog—"

I stop walking, and the silence of my heels make Jacob stop as well. I glare at him. He's quite the character, but he makes my job much more interesting. He's favorable among celebrities, because he makes styling much more entertaining. However,

he annoys me too much, like a younger brother.

He's extremely tall, with big innocent eyes, dark skin, white teeth, and short twist that reach his eyebrows. Despite his masculine appearance, he's very in touch with his feminine side. He's vibrant and cute, to the point where you would want to pet him and treat him like a kitten.

"I don't speak with them. I haven't since I left."

"Huh? You weren't close with them?"

"...No. Not at all." I lie.

He groans. "Awwww, bummer! I would've totally assumed you would good friends with them!"

"And why do you assume that??" I wonder aloud and we continue walking.

"Well you seem like their types! You've got a great personality, a soft adorable voice—AND LOOK AT YOU!" He suddenly grabs my hand and forces me to look into one of the many hanging mirrors ASC has, that is nailed into the wall.

My hair is much longer now and my bangs grew out. I dyed my hair back to its natural, light brown color, so now my green eyes pop more. For being 20, I somehow manage to look more mature than I did a couple years ago.

I roll my eyes and walk away from Jacob. "Forget it. I hardly spoke to them. I was simply their makeup artist...

Nothing more. Nothing less."


I'm in my office room, cleaning my makeup desk and station, when the speaker in my wall buzzes so loud that it makes me jump. I turn to the small brown box, waiting for someone to speak.

"...Miss y/n? Do you mind coming down to the lobby? We have new clients."

"...New clients..." I whisper. I approach the box and hold down a button. "Yes, Ill be right down."

I finish putting away my things and make my way down to the first floor. Leaving the elevator with 10 other people, we pile into the lobby. Most of them head one direction, but I walk in the opposite towards the main entrance.

From a far, I see a large group of people standing by the front desk, consulting with my boss. My boss, who is facing me, peers around the clients' heads' to me, and waves me over. "Ah, y/n! Come and meet your new clients! I've recommended you to join them on their nationwide wide tour throughout America to style them!! It would be about a 4 month long trip—"

As my boss is talking, 7 boys in particular turn around and face me.

My heart recognizes them before I myself do.

My boss finishes talking. "Alright! Introduce yourself!"

I'm frozen stiff with shock.

Every single one of them smile at me, observing me from head to toe. Out of no where, they bow to me, saying, "Hello! We are ENHYPEN!"

I only stare at them. This can't NOT be happening.

They stand up straight again. I watch Jungwon take a step forward to me, holding out his hand for me to shake. "Are you ready,

to join us on tour?"


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