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  • Dedicated to Hamza

Chapter One

Rain splashed to the ground forming puddles across San Francisco. The night was lit up as bolts of lightening shot through the night, making streaks as white as the moon on the inky black sky. It would have been a beautiful sight if you were warm and dry with a blazing fire roaring next to you. Unfortunately Kylie Ink wasn’t at home admiring the beautiful night, instead I was standing in the pouring rain, pulling the sleeves of my thin cardigan over my hands and rubbing them together, trying to keep warm. I was furious. Three hours ago I had been standing in my room debating what to wear on my date, THE date, for two years I had been admiring and secretly crushing on the hottest guy in school, of course, everyone had been crushing on him, who wouldn’t? With his blue eyes, light blonde hair, tanned skin and the MOST amazing figure. So when he had come up to me at lunch and asked me if I wanted to go to the cinema with him and a few other couples, I had been thrilled, my first date!

Arriving 5 minutes late, so as not to look too eager, I had been a little worried that neither my date, or his friends were here yet, but had went with the less hurtful idea that they were running late, so I had waited.. And waited… after waiting 65 minutes and 37 seconds (not that I was counting) I finally let myself admit the truth. I had been stood up. Which was how I ended up standing in the pouring rain shivering outside the bus stop, trying to phone my mum for a lift.

I was standing on my toes holding my phone up to the sky trying to get a signal through the lightening when I noticed two car lights against the black night, slowly getting closer. I hesitated, years of my mum telling me not to go anywhere with strangers screamed in my head, but I had no other choice, I doubted my mum would be too thrilled with her daughter standing outside in the rain either.

Running out into the middle of the road I raised my hand to my eyes against the brightness of the car lights. The sleek black Nissan screeched to a halt about 3 feet in front of me. The door opened and he stepped out. He wore black combat boots over black jeans that hugged his legs, a black vest top that looked liked a second skin with a black shirt worn unbuttoned over it. He had a lithe body, with no bulging muscles, yet he looked completely perfect, his grey eyes framed by long black eyelashes that girls would kill to own, pale unblemished skin that looked as though it were shimmering, perfect size lips that looked soft to touch and thick shoulder length black hair.

I was speechless, my mouth dry, regret filled my heart, I couldn’t get into this mans car, he was.. Stunning and perfect in every way, yet he looked dangerous, especially when he looked at me that way, as though he found me just as stunning as I did him, as though he would like nothing more than to walk over to me, take me in his arms and never let go. I cleared my throat, searching for something to say when he finally spoke

“You need a lift? The rain doesn’t look like its letting up anytime soon”, he said quietly, staring at me intently, as though my answer was important to him.

Smiling nervously at him, I replied, “ I uhm.. W-was going to ask you if you wouldn’t mind but.. I-I think I changed my mind, you know? Strangers and e-everything”.

His lips curved up at the sides, he turned around and opened the sleek passenger door, indicating for me to get in, swallowing hard I managed another wobbly smile. Walking forward unsteadily, I slid into the car, more aware of my surroundings than usual, embarrassed by my wet clothes and hair soaking into the leather interior. I watched him flow across the wet road, his stride even and sexy…I didn’t even know a walk could be considered sexy. I stared at him in wonder as he bent down and slid gracefully into the car, shutting the door behind him. Which was when I realized he had left his side of the door open when he had stepped outside, yet strangely his door looked completely dry.

I licked my lips nervously and glanced across at him, yep, I thought, there’s no doubt about it, I am going insane, or maybe I’m just dreaming this… I had to admit I rather preferred that explanation than me being insane. If this is a dream, I mused, then there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, this was just a fantasy of mine, one I was perfectly allowed to enjoy, although maybe I could have dreamed of a drier me. I snuggled down into the car seat, making myself comfortable now that I was certain I wouldn’t embarrass myself.

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