Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

That night, I tossed and turned. My mind spinning over everything, trying to work out exactly what had happened. What I had imagined and what had been reality. In the end, I came to the conclusion that I had been stood up, I had then gotten a lift from a very hot but very kind man. I decided the rest was meaningless and there was no point stressing over it. If I began to show any more signs of delusion, I would visit my doctor, I decided.

It seemed to me that while I might have been delusional on the car ride, I was perfectly sane and reasonable now. After all, when have you ever heard of a crazy person making plans to go see a doctor?

It was possible that I had fallen asleep once I had gotten into the car, and awoken as we arrived, possible but not very likely. I had, after all, no memory of giving him my address and yet I must have. There was no other possible answer, unless I had acquired a stalker but I doubted it. Who would want to stalk me?

I came up with a million theory’s as I lay in bed, each one crazier than the last. Finally, I put my mind to rest and told myself that all I had to do was forget that night. No one other than me and the hot guy knew about my craziness and It wasn’t likely that I would ever see him again was it?

With my mind now more at ease I drifted in and out of consciousness until the shrill sound of my alarm woke me. I reached out, still slightly groggy, to hit the button to switch off that awful screeching.

In a lot of books and movie’s people awaken to music they like or a radio playing with a nice sounding man on the other end wishing you a good morning and they still get irritated by it. Not me, if I had the money to get that kind of alarm, I would awaken with a smile on my face. Well…

I probably wouldn’t but I wouldn’t be as big a grouch. Maybe. Instead I get this awful alarm that sounds half wailing and half screeching. Let me assure you, It is not nice.

I lay in my bed for a couple of minutes, just staring at the ceiling and enjoying comfortable warmth of the soft bed. As I lay there, thinking of nothing in particular, something occurred to me and I bolted upright.

I had been stood up.

I also had school today. School that included Thomas. School that included Thomas who had stood me up. Damn.

This was gonna be awful, I could just imagine it, the snickering as people watched me. Kayla Rodin sneering at me as she watched me walk down the corridor with my head lowered in shame. I could almost see her looking down her beautiful perfect nose at me and giving that annoying tinkling laugh to her friends as she imagined me standing on my own in the rain. I had absolutely no doubt that Thomas would have told everyone. I should have seen it before, he had never noticed me and suddenly he wanted to go out with me? The freak who no one liked? Unlikely. I had been such a damn idiot and now I was gonna pay for it.

I fell back onto my bed and burrowed my head in my pillows with a groan. That’s it, I couldn’t handle any more. I was done, I decided. I was just gonna lay here until my life magically fixed itself. I was not moving. Not for anything.

“KYLIE!” My mother shouted as she walked up the stairs, “Its time to get up sweetie.”

I quickly pulled my covers over my head, hiding. I meant it. I was not getting up.

My door opened and my mom’s face peered in at me, “I made pancakes, and there’s maple syrup.”

I sat up and glared at her, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“That isn’t going to work, I’m not going today.”“

Well, alright then sweetheart, don’t you worry about it. I’ll take the pancakes round to old Mr Harris’s house. You know how he barely eats as it is.”

With one last smile at me, she turned and left, closing the door softly.

Nope. I wasn’t going to give. I wasn’t. I stared at the door for a minute, trying my best not to think about those delicious pancakes, with the maple syrup drenching them and a nice glass of fresh orange juice. Damn.

I launched myself out of bed and opened my door, ready to battle Mr Harris for my pancakes, to find my mother waiting on the other side with a small smile. I stared at her speechless.

“Go get dressed then”, she tutted, “Pancakes are waiting for you downstairs.”

With that said she turned and strode downstairs with a knowing smirk on her face, leaving me gaping after her in astonishment.

After breakfast I trudged out towards the bus stop, my steps heavy. This was gonna be torture. Pure embarrassment and there was nothing I could do to get out of it. After I had eaten, I had tried to weasel my way out of going and my mother had told me firmly that I had eaten, I was dressed and I was going to school. I have never known a greater manipulator than my mum, she knew just how to get me to do exactly as she wants. It never fails.

Walking down the road, I sighed in relief to see the bus already there. I hated being early, it meant I had to stand there, on my own while others stood about talking and peering at me pityingly.

I didn’t have many friends. Well, actually, no friends. I was the sad weird loner person who liked to bury her nose in a book. In reality, I was just really shy.

Sitting down on the lumpy seat inside the bus, I watched people walk up the aisle, laughing and chatting about what had happened over the weekend. I bet they didn’t have freaky delusions and a horrible embarrassing walk down the corridor to come, I thought morosely. I sometimes wished I could be one of those confident people who stride down the corridor with people watching in awe as I strode straight up to Thomas and poured coke over his head. Sadly, those were only in my imagination. I would never have enough guts to do anything like that.

My thought’s turned to the hot guy from last night and I wondered what he was doing right now. Probably he would still be in bed, after a late night out parting and having fun. He was far too cool to care about academics. In my imagination anyway.

He wouldn’t stand for being stood up either. He would probably do something amazing like pretend he never even went. That he had also never went. Now there’s an idea, I thought brilliantly. I could pretend I didn’t go. Amazing. If I could go through with it. It would probably only end up as one of those fantasy’s that never happen, I thought, Feeling my mood plummet again.

Although probably Mr hot guy would have been the one to stand up the girl but ah well. He had had that dangerous look. What with the looks and the car and the smile and the sexy hair. I was becoming slightly obsessed, I realized in horror.

If I didn’t stop now, I would be on the news. I could just picture it.

In other news, Kylie Ink was arrested last night for stalking a man, she was apparently convinced that they shared a connection. In truth, the young man had once given her a lift home after seeing her standing in the rain. Just goes to show the kind of people out there. Word of warning folks! Don’t go picking up strays, you never know who they are!

God, I can practically hear that annoying chirpy voice as he announced my doom.

Yes, this had to stop. There was no way I could leave my mother all alone and just think about how devastated… okay well I cant think of anyone else who would care about me getting arrested. However I’m sure Kayla would be overjoyed to hear the news. She would, of course, have known all along, I was a weirdo and that would just prove it to her.

That was going to be my motivation, I decided. I would not let Kayla get that amount of satisfaction from my weird obsession. I would keep it to myself and do my best to stop. Effective immediately.

I wouldn’t think about him again. Not his beautiful hair or his deep voice. None of it. Last night would be erased from my memory as of now.

As I thought this, the bus stopped and the doors opened at the next stop. I felt my jaw drop and for the second time this morning I was left utterly speechless.

It was my hot driver dude.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2011 ⏰

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