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'BEEP BEEP BEEP' my alarm sounds, and at that moment I'd love nothing more than to destroy it. I flick the button, with more spite than anticipated, and shuffle out of my bed. The cold air makes my skin tighten on edge, as I make my way to the bathroom. I've come to the conclusion that I'm not a morning person, and not the easy way. What I hate most is Elain knows this, yet she's persistent in making plans for us as early as possible, its eight a.m. for Christ sake. I force my eyes to meet with themselves in the mirror, and I frown at my now matted hair. I pull my brush from the small drawer at my thigh, still chipping paint from when I went through an artistic faze. I gazed in my reflection as I slid the bristles through my caramel colored hair, and at this moment I could almost see myself as beautiful. I pull mascara from the same little drawer, and glare at it as I slip off the cap. Typically I wouldn't wear any makeup, I have a naturally beautiful pale skin tone and long eyelashes, but Elain always insists I be more lady-like. For her, I am willing to have itchy eyes and struggle when I get home to wipe this nonsense off my face. I coat my eyelashes with it, my sharp green eyes wide and watering. Let's just say I'm not exactly a professional, and when I attempt to apply such things it typically looks worse, so give me a break alright?

Upon checking the time, I slip into my closet and grab a large hoodie with some thigh-high socks. I know, its pretty lazy, but I'm not exactly prone to fashion either. Im not looking to impress anybody, in fact, I'd rather veer away from the men, much less pull them towards me. One of the many perks of dressing comfortably. Though I can already see elains perfectly molded frown, I know it all too well. I can already hear her saying "Aeva, couldn't you at least be a classy type of lazy?" Its her go-to insult. I pull my converse all stars over my heel, and tie the shoelaces. I find these to be one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I own, and it helps that they're apparently a trend, or so Elain says. If anyone knows the latest fashion its her, so I take her word for it.

I hear an almost imperceptible honk outside, and I make my way out. As expected, Elain takes one sharp look of me, up and down, then shakes her head dissaprovingly. I only give her my rebellious look, and hop into the front seat, but not before shoving off her mounds of empty junk food containers. I swear this woman could eat a whole cow and not gain an inch of fat. Sometimes I envy her, but one good look in the mirror makes me think otherwise. I'm not the most beautiful girl in the world, but I have curves that are deemed attractive. My hour glass figure has been the only thing to keep me confident, and my plump thighs help with that matter. And oddly enough, most people compliment my such feminine hands. I find it odd, considering the fact that I did manual labor for a majority of my life, so you'd think my hands would be calloused and rough. "Before you say anything," I begin "I am not changing. I am comfortable and thats all that matters." Just as soon as her mouth opens to speak, I blare the music as loud as I can and look out the window. I can almost feel her glare searing into the back of my head, but hell, what will she do? Thats right, nothing.

Sometimes even Im astounded by my audacity, but then again, I get it from my father. I love to challenge, and I love to dominate. Thats why I cant seem to hold a relationship, every time I try I end up getting bored, because they give in too easily. I mean seriously, what's the fun in that? Elain turns the music down and pulls out of my driveway. I give her a slight smirk as she rolls her eyes and drifts onto the road.

It only takes a couple minutes for us to arrive to our destination, the rink. Though Elain questions my enthusiasm over such a vulgar place, and this will be the first time I've convinced her to come in with me. I see nothing wrong with it. The rink is sort've like a boxing pub, but more violent. You see, its sortve a secret, as they do illegal betting and such, but I find it to intrigue me. She questions where it is and I point at a flimsy red sign, flickering on and off, that reads 'auto shop'. It's really the only thing that gives the location away, and I'm surprised I happened to stumble upon the place long ago.

It was a few months back, and my last attempt at a relationship. I had been talking to this guy for a while over the phone, and I was honestly falling for him. He had this way of speaking, he made me feel owned and important, he had this sort of possession to him. But little did I know, these acts I came to love so much were simply contained to virtual.

It's proven to be very hard to find a guy that can handle someone. . . like me. I'm simply something else. And I thought I got lucky with this guy. Maybe, just maybe, we could make it work. I agreed to meet him for the first time that night, and I was honestly excited for it. I lathered myself with my favorite perfume, and wore an ACDC crop top with fishnet sleeves, and black boot cut jeans. I felt really good about this guy, and I smiled uncontrollably as I speed-walked to the alley we decided on. I had to wait for nearly half an hour, as my excitement got the best of me, and I was there far earlier than planned.

I kept a careful eye on my watch, and smiled as he pulled up. "Aaron" I greeted as he climbed out of the car. "A-aeva" he stuttered out, and this set me back for a second. Not that there was anything wrong with this, but it lacked the enthusiasm I was hoping for. After about an hour of talking, I realized this guy was all bark and no bite. I sighed internally as he fidgeted with his fingers, rambling on and on about his favorite comic book. Eventually I put my hand up, and he paused. I decided I should let him off easy. "Look, Aaron, you're a great guy, but I don't think we're a match. It was nice meeting you" and with that, I pushed up off the ground beside him, and walked away. I didn't bother looking back, I had no intention of staining his puppy dog eyes into my memory. What a disappointment.

I walked down the sidewalk and only spared a glance back once I was far away enough that he was long gone, and then leaned against the building beside me. I ran my small fingers through my hair and a single tear rolled down my cheek. "Damn you emotions" I cursed. I didn't know exactly why I was crying, but deep down I knew this incident was the last attempt I'd give at a relationship. Then suddenly the cold metal against my back began to move, and next thing I knew I was falling backwards. My back slammed into something hard, which seconds later I found to be the chest of a man. He spoke in a deep, starky voice "watch where you're going little lady, I could have hurt you". He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the side of him, then walked out, but not without looking back at me a couple times, and there was something in his eyes I couldn't quite place. Once he walked out of my sight, I turned around and took in my surroundings.

I guess I was leaning on a door, and it led to this place. I gaped, mesmerized by the sweat-beaded bodies colliding with one another, the smell of booze and "other substances" whirring through the air. I instantly smiled, the aesthetic of this place soothed me.

I push open the rusted metal door and wave Elain in, giving her a playful pat to the ass as she passes me. She giggles and grabs my wrist, pulling me in behind her.

Elain's perfect nose wrinkles at the sting of the alcohol wafting through the air, and I can't help but smile. She seems to make it a point of how much she isn't enjoying herself. "It's really not that bad, watch this" I nudge her shoulder and glance around. I spot a bulky man, fashioning a coat of ink patterned up his arm, and multiple little charms pierced to his face. I snap in his direction, and he looks over at me, with a seemingly bored expression. "Could you be a doll and get this lovely lady and I a bottle of vodka?" I ask, pointing to the shelf behind him. His eyes shift, and there's a dark expression haunting his features. I raise an eyebrow in silent question, and he clenches his jaw. "I'll be damned if I'm going to let a woman drink in my club" he seethes out, and I gasp.

I've been going to this place for months now, and never have I experienced such disrespect. I catch Elain quivering next to me, but not in fear of the man, but in fear of what I'm going to do to the man. All of my surroundings go still, so quiet that the screech of my chair as I get up is almost painful. I can feel my face turning red, and the man steps back slightly, fear clear in his eyes, but it's gone just as fast as it appeared.

I fly over the counter, lunging at the man, serving him a nice blow to the temple, but as soon as my fist contacts with his face, strong arms embrace me and pull me off of him. I squeel, trying to squirm from the steel hold, but to no avail. I pay no attention to who the person is, as my eyes are still set on my target. I'm being pulled away as I shout insults at the man, smiling in delight as he rubs his head, a bruise forming where I hit him. Once I'm pulled into a back room, I finally accept defeat and stopped wiggling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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