You Promised Forever

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Chapter 1

 I like the alphabet, it so random… like me. Like the letter L. The letter L stand for life. Call it what you want. But I don’t agree. Life. I hate it. I hate waking up and know I’m not going to die for another 60 years. It kills me. They say God watches you and is there for you. The devil is the same but for different reasons. But it will change…hopefully. My day is like another 17 year old girls day, I wake up, skip breakfast and walk as slow as possible to get to school. Strangely I’d rather be at school then at home. At school I actually have people who courage me. My mom, I call her a crack head because that’s what she pretty much does when she get’s back from work. My dad! I hate him. That’s all I have to say about him. Since I’m an only child, it never bothers anyone to slam the door, to take the longest in the bathroom, or to even take the last Rice Crispies. That’s my life for ya. A box of Rice Crispies

That day at school my friend Jackson was walking to the cafeteria with me, it was the first day of Junior year. Jackson and I are best friends! We date every now and then but that’s pretty much all. The bell rang and I walked up to homeroom. My advisor Ms. Maxie was the quietest out of all the advisors. She loved poetry and listening to the sounds of birds sing. Boring! Every morning she tells us, “Believe in yourself.” Oh shut up, they’re lies. But that’s what she likes to say, so I wont judge her. First period is language arts. Mr. Brandon are L.A teacher, is an optimistic teacher, he loves to be positive about everything! It gets annoying but you learn to cope with it.

“Good morning, student, teachers, followers, and leaders. Someone tell me, what class is this?” Mr. Brandon asked. A boy raised his hand, “Writing?” Mr. Brandon chuckled and shook his head. “No very wrong.” A girl raised her hand, “Language arts?” He chuckled again. “Wrong answer again. This is not writing or language arts. This is not about, ‘roses are red violets are blue’ poems or, ‘The cold wind whispered my name’ kind of stories you write about. This is about reality here people.” People looked at him with thought, like they new what he meant. “It’s about your future or her future or somebody’s feelings. Now I don’t care about what you learned in the past and what ‘Language arts’ is about in your previous teachers minds. I want you to explore the different paths you have in your mind.” He paused, I think to give everybody a time to think, which by the look of everyone‘s face, they apparently weren‘t. “I’m going to give each of you a paper and pencil and I want you to write anything that comes to mind, not fiction, but something straight from the heart.” When he gave me my paper and pencil, the pencil stood motionless in my hand. What was I supposed to write about? He came over to me and bend down, “What’s the hold up Jamie?” he asked me. I didn’t look at him. “I cant think of anything.” Mr. Brandon smiled, “I’ve heard that many a times. Tell me something about yourself.”

“I’m 17 and…” I cut myself short. So much I wanted to say, but so much of me hated him, for asking me that question. He looked at me that egged me on. “My mom works in an office down at the Foods Network. We have a lot of money. Our house is like a mansion almost.” I leave out about the part about my mom, having problems, and on crack. Crack actually was mainly one of her problems.

“There’s a start.” He said to me. What was such a good idea of my mom working in an office. “What about your dad?” Mr. Brandon asked. I pursed my lips at him then finally said, “I don’t have one.” Mr. Brandon let out a deep breath, “I’m sorry for asking.” He finally said. The bell saved me from more embarrassment. I picked up my books then walked to second period: History. In the beginning of the year, every year each teacher talks for half the class. “Lovely whether, for the first day of school isn’t it?” Ms. Maxie began, looking out the window. “Yea.” The class mumbled back. “Today I want to explain what we are going to be learning about for the next couple of months. Christopher Columbus, a fearless leader who set out on a journey to discover the land we have today.”

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